我有以下用于身份验证的代码,如果 url 不是 index.html,则显示身份验证表单
<files "(?!index.html)">
AuthUserFile C:/wamp/www/eyedream/trunk/www/.htpasswd
AuthName "Please login"
AuthType Basic
Require valid-user
如果文件不是 index.html,如何指定,显示身份验证框?
我有以下用于身份验证的代码,如果 url 不是 index.html,则显示身份验证表单
<files "(?!index.html)">
AuthUserFile C:/wamp/www/eyedream/trunk/www/.htpasswd
AuthName "Please login"
AuthType Basic
Require valid-user
如果文件不是 index.html,如何指定,显示身份验证框?
块内使用 Auth 指令,它必须在 a<Directory>
或 .htaccess 文件中。您可以设置环境变量并用于Satisfy Any
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI ^/index.html$ norequire_auth=true
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI ^/$ norequire_auth=true
# Auth stuff
AuthUserFile C:/wamp/www/eyedream/trunk/www/.htpasswd
AuthName "Please login"
AuthType Basic
# Setup a deny/allow
Order Deny,Allow
# Deny from everyone
Deny from all
# except if either of these are satisfied
Satisfy any
# 1. a valid authenticated user
Require valid-user
# or 2. the "require_auth" var is NOT set
Allow from env=norequire_auth