我正在使用 ant 脚本构建 .dmg 文件,而它又使用 applescript 将在下面显示。


    [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/damuammu/Desktop/spark-Mac/target/installer
    [mkdir] Created dir:
     [copy] Copying 1 file to
  [symlink] ln -s /Applications
     [echo] Create tmp.dmg
     [exec] created: /Users/damuammu/Desktop/spark-Mac/target/tmp.dmg
     [echo] Attach tmp.dmg
     [exec] /dev/disk2                  Apple_partition_scheme
     [exec] /dev/disk2s1                Apple_partition_map
     [exec] /dev/disk2s2                Apple_HFS
     [exec] cp:
/Users/damuammu/Desktop/spark-Mac/build/installer/mac/RightDSStore: No
such file or directory
     [exec] Result: 1
     [exec] mac/dmg_spark.scpt: execution error: Finder got an error:
Can’t set item "Spark.app" of disk "MixTalx_2.6.3" to {140, 250}.

/Users/damuammu/Desktop/spark-Mac/build/build.xml:775: exec returned: 1


on run {volumeName, artPath, theHeight, theWidth, x1, y1, x2, y2, iconSize}
    tell application "Finder"
        tell disk (volumeName as string)

            delay 2

            set dsStore to "\"" & "/Volumes/" & volumeName & "/" & ".DS_STORE\""

            tell container window
                set current view to icon view
                set toolbar visible to false
                set statusbar visible to false
                set the bounds to {10, 10, 658, 482}
                set statusbar visible to false
            end tell

            set opts to the icon view options of container window
            set the arrangement of opts to not arranged
            set the icon size of opts to 128
            set background picture of opts to file ".background:dmgBackground.png"

            -- Icon positions
            delay 2
            set position of item "Spark.app" to {140, 250}
            set position of item "Applications" to {395, 250}
            delay 2

            update without registering applications
        end tell

        delay 10
    end tell
end run



1 回答 1


在运行 AppleScript 之前,错误发生在您的 ant 脚本中。错误在这里:

     [exec] cp:
/Users/damuammu/Desktop/spark-Mac/build/installer/mac/RightDSStore: No
such file or directory

AppleScript 所做的是使您安装的 DMG 卷看起来很漂亮。由于并非所有内容都正确放入 DMG,Applescript 后来失败了:

     [exec] mac/dmg_spark.scpt: execution error: Finder got an error:
Can’t set item "Spark.app" of disk "MixTalx_2.6.3" to {140, 250}.

但是,您需要做的是修复因第一个错误而失败的 ant 脚本。

于 2012-08-23T06:22:45.490 回答