我正在尝试一个mtl-style 类,它允许我将Pipe组合提升到外部 monad 上。为此,我必须定义类型的哪两个变量是Pipe组合的域和共域。


{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

import Control.Monad.Trans.Free
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Control.Pipe hiding (Pipe)

data Pipe a b m r = Pipe { unPipe :: FreeT (PipeF a b) m r }

class MonadPipe m where
    type C a b (m :: * -> *) :: * -> *
    idT :: C a a m r
    (<-<) :: C b c m r -> C a b m r -> C a c m r

instance (Monad m) => MonadPipe (Pipe i o m) where
    type C a b (Pipe i o m) = Pipe a b m
    idT = Pipe idP
    (Pipe p1) <-< (Pipe p2) = Pipe (p1 <+< p2)

instance (MonadPipe m) => MonadPipe (StateT s m) where
    type C a b (StateT s m) = StateT s (C a b m)
    idT = StateT $ \s -> idT
    (StateT f1) <-< (StateT f2) = StateT $ \s -> f1 s <-< f2 s

但是,上面的代码不进行类型检查。GHC 给出以下错误:

    Could not deduce (C a a m ~ C a0 a0 m0)
    from the context (MonadPipe m)
      bound by the instance declaration at family.hs:21:14-52
    NB: `C' is a type function, and may not be injective
    Expected type: C a a (StateT s m) r
      Actual type: StateT s (C a0 a0 m0) r
    In the expression: StateT $ \ s -> idT
    In an equation for `idT': idT = StateT $ \ s -> idT
    In the instance declaration for `MonadPipe (StateT s m)'

    Could not deduce (C b c m ~ C b0 c0 m1)
    from the context (MonadPipe m)
      bound by the instance declaration at family.hs:21:14-52
    NB: `C' is a type function, and may not be injective
    Expected type: C b c (StateT s m) r
      Actual type: StateT s (C b0 c0 m1) r
    In the pattern: StateT f1
    In an equation for `<-<':
        (StateT f1) <-< (StateT f2) = StateT $ \ s -> f1 s <-< f2 s
    In the instance declaration for `MonadPipe (StateT s m)'

<<Two other errors for 'C a b m' and 'C a c m'>>




2 回答 2


默认情况下,类型推断是一种猜谜游戏。Haskell 的表面语法使得明确哪些类型应该实例化 a 变得相当尴尬forall,即使您知道自己想要什么。这是 Damas-Milner 完整性的美好旧时光的遗产,当时有趣到需要显式键入的想法被简单地禁止了。

假设我们可以使用 Agda 样式的符号在模式和表达式中显式地显示类型应用程序,f {a = x}选择性地访问. 您的af

idT = StateT $ \ s -> idT


idT {a = a}{m = m} = StateT $ \ s -> idT {a = a}{m = m}

所以左边有类型C a a (StateT s m) r,右边有类型StateT s (C a a m) r,在类型家族的定义上是相等的,欢乐辐射世界。但这不是你写的意思。调用多态事物的“变量规则”要求每个forall都用一个新的存在类型变量实例化,然后通过统一解决。所以你的代码意味着什么

idT {a = a}{m = m} = StateT $ \ s -> idT {a = a'}{m = m'}
  -- for a suitably chosen a', m'


C a a m ~ C a' a' m'



class MonadPipe m where
  data C a b (m :: * -> *) r
  idT :: C a a m r
  (<-<) :: C b c m r -> C a b m r -> C a c m r

instance (MonadPipe m) => MonadPipe (StateT s m) where
  data C a b (StateT s m) r = StateTPipe (StateT s (C a b m) r)
  idT = StateTPipe . StateT $ \ s -> idT
  StateTPipe (StateT f) <-< StateTPipe (StateT g) =
    StateTPipe . StateT $ \ s - f s <-< g s



newtype WrapC a b m r = WrapC {unwrapC :: C a b m r}



data Proxy (a :: *) = Poxy
data ProxyF (a :: * -> *) = PoxyF

class MonadPipe m where
  data C a b (m :: * -> *) r
  idT :: (Proxy a, ProxyF m) -> C a a m r

instance (MonadPipe m) => MonadPipe (StateT s m) where
  data C a b (StateT s m) r = StateTPipe (StateT s (C a b m) r)
  idT pp = StateTPipe . StateT $ \ s -> idT pp

这只是使类型应用程序显式化的一种糟糕方式。请注意,有些人使用a它自己而不是作为参数Proxy a传递undefined,因此无法在类型中将代理标记为这样,并且依赖于不会意外评估它。最近的进展PolyKinds可能至少意味着我们只能拥有一种多态幻象代理类型。至关重要的是,Proxy类型构造函数是单射的,所以我的代码实际上是在说“这里和那里的参数相同”。

但有时我希望我可以在源代码中降到 System FC 级别,或者以其他方式表达明确的手动覆盖以进行类型推断。这样的事情在依赖类型社区中是相当标准的,没有人会想象机器可以在没有任何推动的情况下解决所有问题,或者隐藏的参数没有任何值得检查的信息。一个函数的隐藏参数可以在使用站点被抑制,但需要在定义中明确表示,这是很常见的。Haskell 的现状是基于一种文化假设,即“类型推断就足够了”,这种假设已经偏离了一代人的轨道,但仍然以某种方式持续存在。

于 2012-08-23T08:15:05.950 回答

编辑了三遍:数据系列版本见底部。并将 GADT 版本更改为删除 m。



The class defines :
type C a0 b0 m  where a0 and b0 are fresh.
idT :: C a a m r, where a and r are fresh. 

The idT in the (Pipe i o m0) instance is okay by what I think is the logic:
LHS is idT :: C a0 a0 (Pipe i o m0) r0 which becomes Pipe a0 a0 m0 r0
RHS is Pipe idP :: Pipe a1 a1 m1 r1 starts fresh
And then these unify
because Pipe is a data constructor.

The idT in the MonadPipe m0 => (StateT s0 m0) instance:
LHS is idT :: C a0 a0 (StateT s0 m0) which becomes StateT s0 (C a0 a0 m0)
RHS is StateT (\s -> idT) :: StateT s1 m1 r1
Some unification seems to happen...
RHS is StateT (\s -> idT) :: StateT s1 (C a0 a0 m0) r1
  where expression idT :: MonadPipe m1 => (C a2 a2 m2) r2 starts fresh
        context of idT :: (C a0 a0 m0) (a1, s1)
And then (C a0 a0 m0) does not unify with (C a1 a2 m2)
because C is a type constructor.

newtype如果类型族成为数据族,您之前制作 Category 实例的方法可能在这里有效。

编辑:您更改参数的顺序和 newtype StateT 来解决它:

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

import Control.Monad.Trans.Free
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Control.Pipe hiding (Pipe)

data Pipe m a b r = Pipe { unPipe :: FreeT (PipeF a b) m r }

newtype StatePipe s mp a b r = SP (StateT s (mp a b) r)

class MonadPipe mp where
    idT :: mp a a r
    (<-<) :: mp b c r -> mp a b r -> mp a c r

instance (Monad m) => MonadPipe (Pipe m) where
    idT = Pipe idP
    (Pipe p1) <-< (Pipe p2) = Pipe (p1 <+< p2)

instance (MonadPipe mp) => MonadPipe (StatePipe s mp) where
     idT = SP . StateT $ \s -> idT
     (SP (StateT f1)) <-< (SP (StateT f2)) = SP . StateT $ \s -> f1 s <-< f2 s

虽然 MonadTrans 现在可能很伤心。另一种方法通过使用 GADT 来保持参数顺序,也许可以更清楚地表达您要构建的内容:

{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, GADTs, FlexibleInstances #-}
import Control.Monad.Trans.Free
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Control.Pipe hiding (Pipe)

data Pipe s a b m r where
  FPipe :: { unPipe :: FreeT (PipeF a b) m r } -> Pipe () a b m r
  LPipe :: StateT s1 (Pipe s2 a b m) r -> Pipe (s1,s2) a b m r

class MonadPipe s where
    idT :: Monad m => Pipe s a a m r
    (<-<) :: Monad m => Pipe s b c m r -> Pipe s a b m r -> Pipe s a c m r

instance MonadPipe () where
    idT  = FPipe idP
    (FPipe p1) <-< (FPipe p2) = FPipe (p1 <+< p2)

instance MonadPipe s2 => MonadPipe (s1,s2) where
    idT  = LPipe (StateT $ \s -> idT)
    (LPipe (StateT f1)) <-< (LPipe (StateT f2)) = 
       LPipe (StateT $ \s1 -> (f1 s1 <-< f2 s1))


{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
import Control.Monad.Trans.Free
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Control.Pipe hiding (Pipe)

data family GPipe s :: * -> * -> (* -> *) -> * -> *
newtype instance GPipe () a b m r = Pipe { unPipe :: FreeT (PipeF a b) m r }
newtype instance GPipe (s1,s2) a b m r = LPipe ( StateT s1 (GPipe s2 a b m) r )

class MonadPipe s where
  idT :: Monad m => GPipe s a a m r
  (<-<) :: Monad m => GPipe s b c m r -> GPipe s a b m r -> GPipe s a c m r

instance MonadPipe () where
  idT = Pipe idP
  (Pipe p1) <-< (Pipe p2) = Pipe (p1 <+< p2)

instance MonadPipe s2 => MonadPipe (s1,s2) where
  idT = LPipe (StateT (\s -> idT))
  (LPipe (StateT f1)) <-< (LPipe (StateT f2)) = LPipe (StateT (\s -> f1 s <-< f2 s))
于 2012-08-23T08:15:35.580 回答