I've got a list that is one dimensional that I need separated by spaces. I am running this script in spyder for ubuntu running on parallels on Mac OS 10.8.
what I'm getting is this:
print poly
Output: [array([ 0.01322341, 0.07460202, 0.00832512])]
print poly[0]
Output: [array([ 0.01322341, 0.07460202, 0.00832512])]
print poly[1]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/parallels/.../RampEst.py", line 38, in <module>
print poly[1]
IndexError: list index out of range
The "..." is the rest of the file directory.
What I need is:
print poly[0]
Output: 0.01322341
print poly[1]
Output: 0.07460202
print poly[2]
Output: 0.00832512