有没有相当于 Ruby 的官员gem 的 Python?它是一个分布式锁定服务器,基本上允许您在网络上而不是线程之间拥有锁。
我一直在寻找有一个 Python 库的elock,但是 elock 是未经许可的,所以我们不能真正将它用于商业软件(它也或多或少地被放弃了)。
import memcache
mc = memcache.Client(hosts, debug=1)
# to lock:
def request_lock(key, timeout=300):
if mc == None:
raise Exception("Memcache is not connected!")
# just store a "1" in that location - this is an atomic operation so if two
# nodes request a lock at the same time, only one of them will get a True
return mc.add(key, "1", timeout)
# to unlock:
def request_unlock(key):
if mc == None:
raise Exception("Memcache is not connected!")
return mc.delete(key) > 0