我知道以下帖子,但发现不清楚如何让它工作,以及如何将它用于下拉列表(jQuery Validate - 需要填写组中的至少一个字段)
我知道以下帖子,但发现不清楚如何让它工作,以及如何将它用于下拉列表(jQuery Validate - 需要填写组中的至少一个字段)
和 HTML5 输入类型,如email
. 这个函数所做的唯一假设是所有select
* 1) gather all checkboxes and radio buttons
* 2) gather all inputs that are not checkboxes or radios, and are not buttons (submit/button/reset)
* 3) get only those checkboxes and radio buttons that are checked
* 4) get only those field elements that have a value (spaces get trimmed)
* 5) if the length of both resulting collections is zero, nothing has been filled out
function checkFields(form) {
var checks_radios = form.find(':checkbox, :radio'),
inputs = form.find(':input').not(checks_radios).not('[type="submit"],[type="button"],[type="reset"]'),
checked = checks_radios.filter(':checked'),
filled = inputs.filter(function(){
return $.trim($(this).val()).length > 0;
if(checked.length + filled.length === 0) {
return false;
return true;
var oneFilled = checkFields($(this));
// oneFilled === true if at least one field has a value
I'm not an expert, but this works for me. I have a select field and an input field for donations. If the amount isn't on the select options, then the user can add an amount into the input field. So at least one has to be submitted.
function validateForm() {
if ( myform.mySelectfield.value == ""
&& myform.myInputfield2.value == ""
) {
alert( "Please enter at least field" );
return false;
And of course the input field needs to be numeric so I've added:
function validateForm2() {
var x=document.forms["myform"]["myInputfield2"].value;
if (/[^0-9]+$/.test(x))
alert("Please enter a numerical amount without a decimal point");
return false;
The numerical check is called onkeyup:
I had to make a second function validateForm2(), because the numerical check didn't work in with the first one.
//select all text inputs in form and filter them based on...
var isFilled = $('input[type="text"]', 'form').filter(function() {
return $.trim(this.value).length; //text inputs have a value
}).length; //get the selector length
//if selector contains at least one filled in text input, submit form
if (isFilled) {..submit form..}
var filled = $('.property-list input[type="text"]').filter(function() {
var v = $(this).val();
// sanitize it first
v = v.replace(/[\s]{2,}/g,' ').replace(/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/,'$1');
// if you want it to contain min.
// 3 consecutive alphanumeric chars, for example...
return /[a-z0-9]{3,}/i.test(v);
if (filled.length) {
// do whatever with the result
alert('all okay');
} else {
$('.property-list input[type="text"]').focus().blur();
// this is for the placeholders to refresh, at least in Safari...
$('.property-list input[type="text"][value!=""]:first').focus();
var msg = 'plase fill at least one field with min. 3 ';
msg += 'consecutive alphanumeric characters';