伙计们,我为此发疯了,我知道使用 javascript 有很多限制,但我正在构建的网站只有 html 文件。我也可以使用 php,但它需要是一个可以引用但不包含在内的单独文件。最终扩展名必须是 .html
好的,那部分有点简单.. 但现在我想创建一个由以前显示的所有图像组成的画廊.. 所以每个图像都会导致当前日期的文件名。所以我需要读取目录或只生成导致当前图像日期文件名的最后 20 张图像。我会满足于前 20 张图片或其他内容。
//returns the current date in YYYYMMDDf_01.jpg format
function getCurrentDateString(){
//make a new date object set at the current date
var currentDate = new Date();
//get the four position year and
//make it a string
var currentYear = currentDate.getFullYear() + "";
//get the zero-indexed month and add 1
//for the real month and make it a strintg
var currentMonth = (currentDate.getMonth() + 1) + "";
//add a zero at the beginning if only one
//digit month
if (currentMonth.length == 1) {
currentMonth = "0" + currentMonth;
//get the current day of the month and
//make it a string
var currentDayOfMonth = currentDate.getDate() + "";
//add a zero if necessary
if (currentDayOfMonth.length == 1) {
currentDayOfMonth = "0" + currentDayOfMonth;
return(currentYear + currentMonth + currentDayOfMonth);
//preload image based upon currentDate
var currentDateString = getCurrentDateString();
var dailyImageObject = new Image();
var dailyImageObjectURL = new Image();
dailyImageObject.src = "http://perillotours.com/galleries/photo-of-the-day/images/" + currentDateString + ".jpg";
dailyImageObjectURL.href = "http://perillotours.com/galleries/photo-of-the-day/images/" + currentDateString + ".jpg";
//called when the page loads to
//set the actual HTML IMG element to have the same
//SRC as our cached Image object
function showDailyImage(){
document.getElementById("dailyIMGElement").src = dailyImageObject.src;
function showDailyImageURL(){
document.getElementById("dailyIMGElementURL").href = dailyImageObjectURL.href;
这是我放置在 html 页面中以显示当天照片的代码。
<a rel="prettyphoto" id="dailyIMGElementURL">
<img width="523" style="background-color: #000000;" id="dailyIMGElement" height="335" border="0" /></a>
所以基本上我想用最后 20 张图像循环上面的代码 20 次。任何想法我真的想不出该怎么做..