我希望 Jenkins 在 Github 拉取请求上评论合并是通过还是失败(很像 Travis CI)。我知道这是BuildHive的一个功能。但是,我在 BuildHive 上找不到使用客户提供的 slaves的选项。我的问题是双重的:

  1. 是否可以选择将构建限制为 BuildHive 上客户提供的从站?
  2. 有没有办法可以使用 DEV@cloud 启用对拉取请求的评论(实际作业必须在客户提供的从属设备上运行)?如果是这样,你能指出我正确的方向来进行这个设置吗?

2 回答 2


DEV@cloud 可以像 BuildHive 一样通过一些额外的配置来验证拉取请求。见http://wiki.cloudbees.com/bin/view/DEV/Github+Pull+Request+Validation

于 2012-08-23T14:56:39.700 回答

Answering in the order of your questions:

  1. BuildHive uses the Validated Merge plugin for Git from Jenkins Enterprise to enable Jenkins to perform pull requests and run the builds before doing a push to the main repo. That said, currently you cannot use Customer Provided Executors with BuildHive.
  2. DEV@cloud: Normally, all Jenkins Enterprise plugins are available in a paid tier of DEV@cloud. However, this plugin is not - as the plugin sets up a git server within Jenkins - not easily achievable in a cloud setup. I have created a ticket on CloudBees support requesting that the plugin be made available and the engineering team will investigate into delivering the feature.

Meanwhile, if you like you can use Jenkins Enterprise to use the feature (however it is an on-premises solution).

于 2012-08-23T02:00:12.933 回答