在我的第一次尝试中,我将变量设置为查找 ALL 的数组,但显然如果有 1 行或 0 行,CakePHP 会抛出为 FOREACH 提供的无效参数。我可以设置 ARRAY 查找 FIRST,但如果有超过 1 行,它只会显示第一行。
public function add($id){
//Set Title, Stylesheet, homelogo & layout
$this->set('title_for_layout', 'View Invoices');
$this->set('stylesheet_used', 'homestyle');
$this->set('image_used', 'eBOXLogoHome.png');
//Find all fields where template_id = template_id passed in
//ARRAY: to print foreach loop ONLY WORK >2 Row returned
$templatefields=$this->Field->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array(
'Field.template_id' => $id)));
//Find all fields where template_id = template_id passed in
//FIRST: to print echo variable ONLY WORK =1 Row returned
//$templatefields=$this->Field->find('first', array(
//'conditions' => array(
//'Field.template_id' => $id)));
//Set variables
$this->set('templatefields', $templatefields);
传入的 $id 是字段所属的 Template id。
Fields/add.ctp 中的显示功能。
if (is_array($templatefields))
foreach ($templatefields as $templatefield)
<td align='center'><?php echo $templatefields['Field']['name']; ?></td>
<td align='center'><?php echo $templatefields['Field']['description']; ?></td>
<td align='center'><?php echo $templatefields['Field']['default_value']; ?></td>
<td align='center'><?php echo $templatefields['Field']['template_id']; ?></td>
else if (count($templatefields)==1)
....print? --> WOULD HAVE TO USE $templatefields where find('first')
....otherwise error=invalid argument supplied for foreach
else if (empty($templatefields))
....OR "There are no fields to display"