I'm using Tire for Elastic Search. In my application I have 2 models; Price and Product.
I'm trying to search my Price class and use the Product it belongs to's :name
attribute for the search field. Right now if I had a product called Product 1
and type in "pro", "prod" or "duct", no results come up. But typing "product" or "Product" shows the results. I believe the problem lies in my mapping. I looked at the query and its:
When I think it should be:
Judging by this question: ElasticSearch mapping doesn't work
I don't know how to make my params[:query]
to take the product.name
only though. I tried to use: string params[:query], default_field: "product.name"
but that didn't work.
I don't want to use the _all
Here is my code:
include Tire::Model::Search
include Tire::Model::Callbacks
def self.search(params)
tire.search(load: true, page: params[:page], per_page: 20) do
query do
boolean do
must { string params[:query] } if params[:query].present?
must { term :private, false }
sort do
by :date, "desc"
by :amount, "asc"
def to_indexed_json
to_json( include: { product: { only: [:name] } } )
mapping do
indexes :id, type: "integer"
indexes :amount, type: "string", index: "not_analyzed"
indexes :date, type: "date", index: "not_analyzed"
indexes :private, type: "boolean"
indexes :product do
indexes :name, type: "string", analyzer: "custom_analyzer"
settings analysis: {
analyzer: {
custom_analyzer: {
tokenizer: [ "whitespace", "lowercase" ],
filter: [ "ngram_filter", "word_delimiter_filter" ],
type: "custom"
filter: {
ngram_filter: {
type: "nGram",
min_gram: 2,
max_gram: 15
filter: {
word_delimiter_filter: {
type: "word_delimiter",
generate_word_parts: true,
generate_number_parts: true,
preserve_original: true,
stem_english_possessive: true
So does anyone have any suggestions or know how to set the query field to use the Product name only?
Thank you.