I think you would be best served using VBA which you could then deploy as a User Defined Function
- hold down altf11 to go to the VBE
- Insert ... Module
- copy and paste in the code below
- hold down altf11 to go back to Excel
Then call the function in Excel such as
to find any matches between A1 and A2

Usr Defined Function
Function DupeWord(str1 As String, str2 As String) As String
Dim vArr1
Dim vArr2
Dim vTest
Dim lngCnt As Long
vArr1 = Split(Replace(str1, " ", vbNullString), ",")
vArr2 = Split(Replace(str2, " ", vbNullString), ",")
On Error GoTo strExit
For lngCnt = LBound(vArr1) To UBound(vArr1)
vTest = Application.Match(vArr1(lngCnt), vArr2, 0)
If Not IsError(vTest) Then DupeWord = DupeWord & vArr1(lngCnt) & ", "
Next lngCnt
If Len(DupeWord) > 0 Then
DupeWord = Left$(DupeWord, Len(DupeWord) - 2)
DupeWord = "No Matches!"
End If
End Function
Use inside VBA
Sub test()
MsgBox DupeWord("dog, cat, rabbit, mouse, lion, bear, tiger", "sausage, pickle, dog, cat, elephant, bread")
End Sub