在 Python 中,有一种方便的方法来获取列表的一部分,称为“切片”:
a = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] # ≡ a = range(1,10)
a[:3] # get first 3 elements
a[3:] # get all elements except the first 3
a[:-3] # get all elements except the last 3
a[-3:] # get last 3 elements
a[3:7] # get 4 elements starting from 3rd (≡ from 3rd to 7th exclusive)
a[3:-3] # get all elements except the first 3 and the last 3
(def a (take 10 (iterate inc 1)))
(take 3 a)
(drop 3 a)
(take (- (count a) 3) a)
(drop (- (count a) 3) a)
(drop 3 (take 7 a))
(drop 3 (take (- (count a) 3) a))
我的问题是:如何在 Clojure 中对序列进行切片?换句话说,返回序列不同部分的正确方法是什么?