我们使用标题标签来显示标签的描述。但是当描述很长时,值会在 IE 中被修剪掉。相同的描述在 Firefox 中正确显示。

<label title="An test used by the test test teszt aaaaa contains combination of numbers to identify the specific state and city in which the subject resides. Design Note: This element stores the complete test test test as it is being returned by the address standardization application. It might be different from the combination of postal code and the postal code extension code. Note: This test any test test test Extension. If this data has been derived by concatenating the elements Postal Code and Postal Code Extension then these elements will be separated by a hyphen (-). This is a test test test element which test test test test data already test testt test test in the test test test stest tes t Address Line." > Full Test test Code :</label>



1 回答 1


问题是一个固定大小的缓冲区,用于在 IE 中存储工具提示文本。文档指出 title属性限制为 512 个字符。title一般来说,无论如何都不建议将小说放在属性中。»此属性提供有关为其设置的元素的咨询信息。« - 它并不是真的用于过长的描述。

于 2012-08-22T07:16:36.963 回答