我有一些 ADT 代表 Haskell 中的简单几何树。将我的操作类型与树形结构分开的事情让我很困扰。我正在考虑让 Tree 类型包含运算符的构造函数,看起来它会更干净。我看到的一个问题是我的 Zipper 实现必须改变以反映所有这些新的可能的构造函数。有没有办法解决?还是我错过了一些重要的概念?总的来说,我觉得我很难掌握如何在 Haskell 中构建我的程序。我了解大多数概念、ADT、类型类、单子,但我还不了解大局。谢谢。

module FRep.Tree
   ) where

import Data.Vect.Double
--import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Prelude hiding (subtract)
--import Data.Monoid

data Tree = Leaf    Primitive
          | Unary   UnaryOp   Tree
          | Binary  BinaryOp  Tree Tree
          | Ternary TernaryOp Tree Tree Tree
          deriving (Show)

sphere ∷  Double → Tree
sphere a = Leaf (Sphere a)

block ∷  Vec3 → Tree
block v = Leaf (Block v)

transform ∷  Proj4 → Tree → Tree
transform m t1 = Unary (Transform m) t1

union ∷  Tree → Tree → Tree
union t1 t2 = Binary Union t1 t2

intersect ∷  Tree → Tree → Tree
intersect t1 t2 = Binary Intersect t1 t2

subtract ∷  Tree → Tree → Tree
subtract t1 t2 = Binary Subtract t1 t2

data Primitive = Sphere { radius ∷  Double }
               | Block  { size   ∷  Vec3   }
               | Cone   { radius ∷  Double
                        , height ∷  Double }
               deriving (Show)

data UnaryOp = Transform Proj4
             deriving (Show)

data BinaryOp = Union
              | Intersect
              | Subtract
              deriving (Show)

data TernaryOp = Blend Double Double Double
               deriving (Show)

primitive ∷  Primitive → Vec3 → Double
primitive (Sphere r) (Vec3 x y z) = r - sqrt (x*x + y*y + z*z)
primitive (Block (Vec3 w h d)) (Vec3 x y z) = maximum [inRange w x, inRange h y, inRange d z]
   where inRange a b = abs b - a/2.0
primitive (Cone r h) (Vec3 x y z) = undefined

unaryOp ∷  UnaryOp → Vec3 → Vec3
unaryOp (Transform m) v = trim (v' .* (fromProjective (inverse m)))
   where v' = extendWith 1 v ∷  Vec4

binaryOp ∷  BinaryOp → Double → Double → Double
binaryOp Union f1 f2     = f1 + f2 + sqrt (f1*f1 + f2*f2)
binaryOp Intersect f1 f2 = f1 + f2 - sqrt (f1*f1 + f2*f2)
binaryOp Subtract f1 f2  = binaryOp Intersect f1 (negate f2)

ternaryOp ∷  TernaryOp → Double → Double → Double → Double
ternaryOp (Blend a b c) f1 f2 f3 = undefined

eval ∷  Tree → Vec3 → Double
eval (Leaf a) v             = primitive a v
eval (Unary a t) v          = eval t (unaryOp a v)
eval (Binary a t1 t2) v     = binaryOp a (eval t1 v) (eval t2 v)
eval (Ternary a t1 t2 t3) v = ternaryOp a (eval t1 v) (eval t2 v) (eval t3 v)

--Here's the Zipper--------------------------

module FRep.Tree.Zipper
   ) where

import FRep.Tree

type Zipper = (Tree, Context)

data Context = Root
             | Unary1   UnaryOp   Context
             | Binary1  BinaryOp  Context Tree
             | Binary2  BinaryOp  Tree    Context
             | Ternary1 TernaryOp Context Tree    Tree
             | Ternary2 TernaryOp Tree    Context Tree
             | Ternary3 TernaryOp Tree    Tree    Context

down ∷  Zipper → Maybe (Zipper)
down (Leaf p, c)             = Nothing
down (Unary o t1, c)         = Just (t1, Unary1 o c)
down (Binary o t1 t2, c)     = Just (t1, Binary1 o c t2)
down (Ternary o t1 t2 t3, c) = Just (t1, Ternary1 o c t2 t3)

up ∷  Zipper → Maybe (Zipper)
up (t1, Root)               = Nothing
up (t1, Unary1 o c)         = Just (Unary o t1, c)
up (t1, Binary1 o c t2)     = Just (Binary o t1 t2, c)
up (t2, Binary2 o t1 c)     = Just (Binary o t1 t2, c)
up (t1, Ternary1 o c t2 t3) = Just (Ternary o t1 t2 t3, c)
up (t2, Ternary2 o t1 c t3) = Just (Ternary o t1 t2 t3, c)
up (t3, Ternary3 o t1 t2 c) = Just (Ternary o t1 t2 t3, c)

left ∷  Zipper → Maybe (Zipper)
left (t1, Root)               = Nothing
left (t1, Unary1 o c)         = Nothing
left (t1, Binary1 o c t2)     = Nothing
left (t2, Binary2 o t1 c)     = Just (t1, Binary1 o c t2)
left (t1, Ternary1 o c t2 t3) = Nothing
left (t2, Ternary2 o t1 c t3) = Just (t1, Ternary1 o c t2 t3)
left (t3, Ternary3 o t1 t2 c) = Just (t2, Ternary2 o t1 c t3)

right ∷  Zipper → Maybe (Zipper)
right (t1, Root)               = Nothing
right (t1, Unary1 o c)         = Nothing
right (t1, Binary1 o c t2)     = Just (t2, Binary2 o t1 c)
right (t2, Binary2 o t1 c)     = Nothing
right (t1, Ternary1 o c t2 t3) = Just (t2, Ternary2 o t1 c t3)
right (t2, Ternary2 o t1 c t3) = Just (t3, Ternary3 o t1 t2 c)
right (t3, Ternary3 o t1 t2 c) = Nothing

fromZipper ∷  Zipper → Tree
fromZipper z = f z where
   f ∷  Zipper → Tree
   f (t1, Root)               = t1
   f (t1, Unary1 o c)         = f (Unary o t1, c)
   f (t1, Binary1 o c t2)     = f (Binary o t1 t2, c)
   f (t2, Binary2 o t1 c)     = f (Binary o t1 t2, c)
   f (t1, Ternary1 o c t2 t3) = f (Ternary o t1 t2 t3, c)
   f (t2, Ternary2 o t1 c t3) = f (Ternary o t1 t2 t3, c)
   f (t3, Ternary3 o t1 t2 c) = f (Ternary o t1 t2 t3, c)

toZipper ∷  Tree → Zipper
toZipper t = (t, Root)

getFocus ∷  Zipper → Tree
getFocus (t, _) = t

setFocus ∷  Tree → Zipper → Zipper
setFocus t (_, c) = (t, c)

2 回答 2


这可能不会触及您 API 设计问题的核心,但可能会给您一些想法。



好东西:拉链是异构的,允许您“向下移动”不同类型(例如,您可以将注意力放在radiusa上,或者向下通过一些您还没有想到的Sphere新递归类型)。Primitive此外,类型检查器将确保您的“向上移动”永远不会让您越过结构的顶部;唯一需要的地方Maybe是通过 sum 类型“向下”移动。

不太好的事情:我目前正在使用我自己的镜头库,zippo并且还不支持自动派生镜头。所以在一个理想的世界里,你不会用手写镜头,所以当你的Tree类型改变时,你也不必改变任何东西。自从我写这个东西以来,镜头库的格局发生了很大变化,所以当我有机会看到新的热点或更新的旧热点时,我可能会过渡到使用 ekmett 的一个。



import Data.Lens.Zipper
import Data.Yall

-- lenses on your tree, ideally these would be derived automatically from record 
-- names you provided
primitive :: Tree :~> Primitive
primitive = lensM g s
    where g (Leaf p) = Just p
          g _ = Nothing
          s (Leaf p) = Just Leaf
          s _ = Nothing

unaryOp :: Tree :~> UnaryOp
unaryOp = undefined -- same idea as above

tree1 :: Tree :~> Tree
tree1 = lensM g s where
    g (Unary _ t1) = Just t1
    g (Binary _ t1 _) = Just t1
    g (Ternary _ t1 _ _) = Just t1
    g _ = Nothing
    s (Unary o _) = Just (Unary o)
    s (Binary o _ t2) = Just (\t1-> Binary o t1 t2)
    s (Ternary o _ t2 t3) = Just (\t1-> Ternary o t1 t2 t3)
    s _ = Nothing
-- ...etc.


t :: Tree
t = Binary Union (Leaf (Sphere 2)) (Leaf (Sphere 3))

z :: Zipper Top Tree
z = zipper t

-- stupid example that only succeeds on focus shaped like 't', but you can pass a 
-- zippered structure of any depth
incrementSpheresThenReduce :: Zipper n Tree -> Maybe (Zipper n Tree)
incrementSpheresThenReduce z = do
    z1 <- move (radiusL . primitive . tree1) z
    let z' = moveUp $ modf (+1) z1
    z2 <- move (radiusL . primitive . tree2) z'
    let z'' = moveUp $ modf (+1) z2
    return $ modf (Leaf . performOp) z''
于 2012-08-22T15:38:55.003 回答

我建议学习免费的 monad,它受到范畴论的启发,构成了在 Haskell 中构建抽象语法树的惯用方式。自由单子实现了两全其美,因为树被抽象在任何可能的函子上,并且您通过定义提供给自由单子的函子来定义抽象语法树支持的操作集。


{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, UnicodeSyntax #-}

import Control.Monad.Free -- from the 'free' package

data GeometryF t
  = Sphere Double
  | Block Vec3
  | Transform Proj4 t
  | Union t t
  | Intersect t t
  | Subtract t t
  deriving (Functor)

type Vec3 = Int -- just so it compiles
type Proj4 = Int

type Geometry = Free GeometryF

sphere ∷  Double → Geometry a
sphere x = liftF $ Sphere x

block ∷  Vec3 → Geometry a
block v = liftF $ Block v

transform ∷  Proj4 → Geometry a -> Geometry a
transform m t = Free $ Transform m t

union ∷  Geometry a -> Geometry a -> Geometry a
union t1 t2 = Free $ Union t1 t2

intersect ∷  Geometry a -> Geometry a -> Geometry a
intersect t1 t2 = Free $ Intersect t1 t2

subtract ∷  Geometry a -> Geometry a -> Geometry a
subtract t1 t2 = Free $ Subtract t1 t2

但是,这只是对您所写内容的精确翻译,完全忽略了您可以使用免费 monad 做的所有很酷的事情。例如,每个免费的 monad 都是免费的 monad,这意味着我们实际上可以使用 do 表示法构建几何树。例如,您可以重写您的转换函数以完全不采用第二个参数,并让 do 表示法隐式提供它:

transform' :: Proj4 -> Geometry ()
transform' m = liftF $ Transform m ()

然后您可以使用普通的 do 表示法编写转换:

transformation :: Geometry ()
transformation = do
    transform m1
    transform m2
    transform m3


union :: Geometry Bool
union = liftF $ Union False True


branchRight :: Geometry a
branchLeft :: Geometry a

someUnion :: Geometry a
someUnion = do
    bool <- union
    if bool
    then do
        -- We are on the right branch
    else do
        -- We are on the left branch


于 2012-08-22T17:26:23.867 回答