我使用 apktool 提取了 Jelly Bean 上默认浏览器的清单,这行出现在清单中——

  <manifest ... package="com.google.android.browser">
    <original-package android:name="com.android.browser" />



2 回答 2


查看android/platform_frameworks_base 源代码中的attrs_manifest.xml :

<!-- Private tag to declare the original package name that this package is
     based on.  Only used for packages installed in the system image.  If
     given, and different than the actual package name, and the given
     original package was previously installed on the device but the new
     one was not, then the data for the old one will be renamed to be
     for the new package.

     <p>This appears as a child tag of the root
     {@link #AndroidManifest manifest} tag. -->
<declare-styleable name="AndroidManifestOriginalPackage" parent="AndroidManifest">
    <attr name="name" />


于 2012-08-22T07:26:10.093 回答

我相信当用户 ID 不与任何其他包共享时使用原始包 AndroidManifest 属性

于 2012-08-22T02:59:58.227 回答