select t1.id,
CONVERT(VARCHAR,t1.dt,103) date_1,
CONVERT(VARCHAR,t2.dt,103) date_2,
t1.price price_1,
t2.price price_2,
t2.price - t1.price difference,
((t2.price - t1.price)/t1.price)*100 as Diff_percentage
from test t1
join (select max(dt) maxDt from test) d
on t1.dt = d.maxDt-1
join test t2
on t2.hotel = t1.hotel
and t2.dt = d.maxDt
select t1.id,
CONVERT(VARCHAR,t1.dt,103) date_1,
CONVERT(VARCHAR,t2.dt,103) date_2,
t1.price price_1,
t2.price price_2,
t2.price - t1.price difference,
((t2.price - t1.price)/t1.price)*100 as Diff_percentage
from (select distinct hotel from test) h
cross join (select max(dt) maxDt from test) d
left join test t1
on t1.hotel = h.hotel
and t1.dt = d.maxDt-1
left join test t2
on t2.hotel = h.hotel
and t2.dt = d.maxDt
使用规范化的 HOTEL 表(每家酒店 1 行)来替换 SELECT DISTINCT 子查询,上述查询会更有效。
select count(case when (t2.price-t1.price) < 0 then 1 end) decrease_count,
count(case when (t2.price-t1.price) > 0 then 1 end) increase_count,
count(case when (t2.price-t1.price) = 0 then 1 end) same_count,
count(distinct t1.hotel) - count(case when (t2.price-t1.price) is not null then 1 end) unavailable_count
from test t1
left join (select max(dt) maxDt from test) d
on t1.dt = d.maxDt-1
left join test t2
on t2.hotel = t1.hotel
and t2.dt = d.maxDt
再次使用标准化的 HOTEL 表,上述方法会更有效。我将重组查询更像前一个:从 HOTEL 中选择交叉连接到 MAX 日期查询,然后外部连接到 TEST 表两次以获取 2 个日期的数据。然后可以更直接地测量不可用计数,计算差异计算为 NULL 的行数。
这是所有查询的SQL Fiddle,以及一些扩展的测试数据。