我正在使用 C# ASP.NET MVC 进行企业 Web 开发项目,他们的一个要求是具有动态属性以及实体之间的动态关系。因此,他们希望能够更改属性/关系,而无需经历更改 SQL 模式/ORM 类的麻烦。我们正在使用 LINQ-to-SQL。
我正在使用 C# ASP.NET MVC 进行企业 Web 开发项目,他们的一个要求是具有动态属性以及实体之间的动态关系。因此,他们希望能够更改属性/关系,而无需经历更改 SQL 模式/ORM 类的麻烦。我们正在使用 LINQ-to-SQL。
void Main()
var db = @"<root>
<entity id='1' name='tim'/>
<entity id='2' name='Gaui'/>
<property id='1' entityid='1' name='Age' value='46'/>
<property id='2' entityid='1' name='Country' value='Australia'/>
<property id='3' entityid='2' name='StackoverflowRep' value='17'/>
var doc = XElement.Parse(db);
var ents = from e in doc.Descendants("entity")
select new Entity()
id = (int)e.Attribute("id"),
name = (string)e.Attribute("name"),
Properties = doc.Descendants("property")
.Where(p => (int)p.Attribute("entityid") == (int)e.Attribute("id"))
.Select( p => new { name = (string)p.Attribute("name") , value = (string)p.Attribute("value")})
.ToDictionary(k => k.name, v => v.value)
public class Entity
public int id {get;set;}
public string name {get;set;}
public IDictionary<string, string> Properties {get;set;}
// You can run this spike in LinqPad (language c# Program)
// In this example I just have a simple master detail, and the assumtion is that the name/value pairs are strings.
// In a real app you probably would have another table with property types, something like...
// <propertytype id='1' Name='Country' type='string'>
// ....etc
// </propertytype>
// and in the properties table you would join to this instead.
// This would give you the data types, plus the ability to
// populate a list of allowed properties etc.