我有一个字符串字典,这些字符串对应于函数名。我正在尝试使用 vars() 将这些字符串分配给我可以用于函数调用的变量。我可以让 vars() 在函数之外工作,但是当我尝试在函数中调用它时,我得到一个 KeyError。下面的代码显然不是我遇到问题的实际代码,但问题是一样的:我可以在 vars() 字典中找到键,但我不能从函数中调用它。
vars() 工作:
In [1]: def brian():
...: print "this is the brian function"
In [2]: name = 'brian'
In [3]: x = vars()[name]
In [4]: x()
this is the brian function
vars() 不起作用(在函数内):
In [20]: def brian():
....: print "this is the brian function"
In [21]: def run_it():
....: name = 'brian'
....: x = vars()[name]
....: x()
In [22]: run_it()
KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-22-15adf33a5fea> in <module>()
----> 1 run_it()
<ipython-input-21-5663ac30227d> in run_it()
1 def run_it():
2 name = 'brian'
----> 3 x = vars()[name]
4 x()
KeyError: 'brian'
最后,这里是 vars() (其中确实包括键 'brian'):
In [4]: vars()
{'In': ['',
u'def brian():\n print "this is the brian function"\n ',
u"def run_it():\n name = 'brian'\n x = vars()[name]\n x()\n ",
'Out': {},
'_': '',
'__': '',
'___': '',
'__builtin__': <module '__builtin__' (built-in)>,
'__builtins__': <module '__builtin__' (built-in)>,
'__doc__': 'Automatically created module for IPython interactive environment',
'__name__': '__main__',
'_dh': [u'/Users/brian'],
'_i': u'run_it()',
'_i1': u'def brian():\n print "this is the brian function"\n ',
'_i2': u"def run_it():\n name = 'brian'\n x = vars()[name]\n x()\n ",
'_i3': u'run_it()',
'_i4': u'vars()',
'_ih': ['',
u'def brian():\n print "this is the brian function"\n ',
u"def run_it():\n name = 'brian'\n x = vars()[name]\n x()\n ",
'_ii': u"def run_it():\n name = 'brian'\n x = vars()[name]\n x()\n ",
'_iii': u'def brian():\n print "this is the brian function"\n ',
'_oh': {},
'_sh': <module 'IPython.core.shadowns' from '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions
'brian': <function __main__.brian>,
'exit': <IPython.core.autocall.ExitAutocall at 0x1598cb0>,
'get_ipython': <bound method TerminalInteractiveShell.get_ipython of
<IPython.frontend.terminal.interactiveshell.TerminalInteractiveShell object at 0x1589f70>>,
'help': Type help() for interactive help, or help(object) for help about object.,
'quit': <IPython.core.autocall.ExitAutocall at 0x1598cb0>,
'run_it': <function __main__.run_it>}