The mechanism I have implemented was to not use the tags given themselves, but an indirect lookup table (not strictly DBMS terms) which links a tag to many implied tags (obviously, a tag is linked with itself for this to work).
In a python project, the lookup table is a dictionary keyed on tags, with values sets of tags (where tags are plain strings).
In a database project (indifferent which RDBMS engine it was), there were the following tables:
tagID integer primary key
tagName text
tagID integer # first part of two-field key
tagID_parent integer # second part of key
trlValue float
where the trlValue was a value in the (0, 1] space, used to give a gravity for the each linked tag; a self-to-self tag relation always carries 1.0 in the trlValue, while the rest are algorithmically calculated (it's not important how exactly). Think the example jokes database I gave; a ['blonde', 'derisive', 0.5] record would correlate to a ['pondian', 'derisive', 0.5] and therefore suggest all derisive jokes given another.