这是一个真正的问题,通常适用于标记项目(是的,这也适用于 StackOverflow,不,这不是关于 StackOverflow 的问题)。

整个标记问题有助于聚集相似的项目,无论它们可能是什么项目(笑话、博客文章、问题等)。但是,存在(通常但不严格)标签的层次结构,这意味着某些标签也暗示其他标签。举一个熟悉的例子,“c#”so 标签也暗示“.net”;另一个例子,在笑话数据库中,“金发女郎”标签暗示“嘲讽”标签,类似于“爱尔兰”或“比利时”或“加拿大”等,具体取决于笑话的国家/地区。



3 回答 3


这是一个棘手的问题。两个极端是本体(一切都是分层的)和民俗(标签没有分层)。我已经在 WikiAnswers 上回答了这个问题,并参考了 Clay Shirky 的“Ontology is Overrated”文章,该文章声称您不应该设置任何层次结构。

于 2008-09-23T12:43:37.933 回答


建立这样一个网络的可能性:建立标签对并让人们判断感知距离(使用 1-10 之类的度量,意思是 [同义词,相似,...,反义词],...),并且在搜索时,搜索一定距离内的所有标签。

如果来自相反方向([a,b] close -> [b,a,] close),测量是否必须是相等的距离?还是接近意味着 [a,b] 关闭和 [b,c] 关闭 -> [a,b] 关闭?



tagId integer
closeTagId integer
proximity integer


select closeTagId from TagRelations where tagId = :tagID and proximity < 3
于 2008-09-23T12:52:33.077 回答

The mechanism I have implemented was to not use the tags given themselves, but an indirect lookup table (not strictly DBMS terms) which links a tag to many implied tags (obviously, a tag is linked with itself for this to work).

In a python project, the lookup table is a dictionary keyed on tags, with values sets of tags (where tags are plain strings).

In a database project (indifferent which RDBMS engine it was), there were the following tables:

tagID integer primary key
tagName text

tagID integer # first part of two-field key
tagID_parent integer # second part of key
trlValue float

where the trlValue was a value in the (0, 1] space, used to give a gravity for the each linked tag; a self-to-self tag relation always carries 1.0 in the trlValue, while the rest are algorithmically calculated (it's not important how exactly). Think the example jokes database I gave; a ['blonde', 'derisive', 0.5] record would correlate to a ['pondian', 'derisive', 0.5] and therefore suggest all derisive jokes given another.

于 2008-09-23T12:34:31.480 回答