我想重置我的一个小组(课堂讨论),但我想保留讨论以供参考。帖子不多(可能 50 个),我可以手动完成,但是有没有办法通过谷歌应用程序脚本或 python 来做到这一点?
此链接:http ://saturnboy.com/2010/03/scraping-google-groups/
这个 Perl 代码:
# groups2csv.pl
# Google Groups results exported to CSV suitable for import into Excel.
# Usage: perl groups2csv.pl < groups.html > groups.csv
# The CSV Header.
print qq{"title","url","group","date","author","number of articles"\n};
# The base URL for Google Groups.
my $url = "http://groups.google.com";
# Rake in those results.
my($results) = (join '', <>);
# Perform a regular expression match to glean individual results.
while ( $results =~ m!<a href=(/groups[^\>]+?rnum=[0-9]+)>(.+?)</a>.*?
<br>(.+?)<br>.*?<a href="?/groups.+?class=a>(.+?)</a> - (.+?) by
(.+?)\s+.*?\(([0-9]+) article!mgis ) {
my($path, $title, $snippet, $group, $date, $author, $articles) =
$title =~ s!"!""!g; # double escape " marks
$title =~ s!<.+?>!!g; # drop all HTML tags
print qq{"$title","$url$path","$group","$date","$author","$articles"\n\n};