I started to develop a script to get contacts from Yahoo's user. Before to get contacts, I am having problem to get request token, when I perform a request for a link like this:
<a class="yahoo" href="https://api.login.yahoo.com/oaut/v2/get_request_token?oauth_nonce=<?php echo uniqid() ?>&oauth_timestamp=<?php echo time() ?>&oauth_consumer_key=<?php echo $yahoo_consumer_key ?>&oauth_signature_method=plaintext&oauth_signature=<?php echo $yahoo_consumer_secret ?>&oauth_version=1.0&xoauth_lang_pref=en-us&oauth_callback=<?php echo urlencode('http://myfullurl.com') ?>">Get Contacts</a>
I get an HTTP header 401 Forbidden with message: oauth_problem=signature_invalid
I do not know if I am setting the link correctly but It was what I have understand through http://developer.yahoo.com/oauth/guide/oauth-sign-plaintext.html
Reference: http://developer.yahoo.com/oauth/guide/oauth-requesttoken.html