I have a Magento CE 1.7 installation on an Amazon EC2 instance with the Magento database on an Amazon RDS Large database instance. Generally things seems to be configured ok.
However, when performing bulk import operations I am hitting some sort of 120 second failure. I kick off the import process and exactly 120 seconds in Chrome tells me:
Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): The server closed the connection without sending any data
Sure enough the import has failed.
I have tried the often given advice of the php.ini settings:
memory_limit = 256M
max_execution_time = 1800
But they don't fix it. I have tuned a number of RDS Parameter Group settings as well:
for example - but again no success.
It is clear that there is some hard-coded 120 second limit somewhere (i've timed it many times!) but i cannot work out what parameter is causing the issue.
I have tried cutting up the import file into small sections and it runs just fine when i do that. So its not input data related either
Any help much appreciated - have pushed 2 days into this issue already :(