我首先使用 EF 代码,但我似乎无法让我的查询在 TransactionScope 的上下文中运行。我已经看到了几十个这样做的例子,但是我的插入没有被事务处理;此测试失败,记录仍在数据库中,但未引发错误。

我在 SQL 2008 上,并且 MSDTC 已打开,但我的理解是它不需要,因为在此环境中不应将其升级为分布式事务。无论如何,我认为如果它尝试升级但失败了,我会得到一个例外。

Public Sub CanEnrollInTransaction()
    Dim id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

    Using foo = New TransactionScope(
                New TransactionOptions() With {.IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.Serializable})

        Dim context = New WebPersistentDataContext()    'Subclass of DbContext

        context.WebsiteErrors.Add(New WebsiteError() With {
                                  .WebsiteId = 21,
                                  .AdditionalInformation = id,
                                  .BrowserInformation = "Unit test",
                                  .ErrorDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                                  .ErrorMessage = "Unit Test"})

        'No transaction in SQL Profiler

        'Tried this too...
        'Dim objectContext = CType(context, IObjectContextAdapter).ObjectContext

        'Not committing should roll back the transaction when scope is disposed
    End Using

    Dim newContext = New WebPersistentDataContext()

    If newContext.WebsiteErrors.Any(Function(e) e.AdditionalInformation = id) Then
        Assert.Fail("record is still there, transaction did not roll back")
    End If
End Sub


更新 - 上下文类:

Public Class WebPersistentDataContext
    Inherits DbContext

Public Property WebsiteErrors As DbSet(Of WebsiteError)

Public Property Websites As DbSet(Of Website)

Public Property WebSettings As DbSet(Of WebSetting)

Public Sub New()

End Sub

End Class

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