好的,所以我想在 Excel 2003 中有一个宏,它将当前工作表保存为 .txt 文件。我已经使用以下代码获得了该部分:

Dim filename As String
Dim path As String
filename = InputBox("Please enter file name", "Save as CSV", "CSV_" & Format(Now, "DD_MM_yyyy"))
path = "C:\Temp" & filename & ".txt"

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs filename:=path, FileFormat:=xlTextMSDOS, CreateBackup:=False

但现在是实际问题:在我的工作表中有一些包含逗号的单元格。如果我使用上面显示的宏,文件将保存为 CSV,但包含逗号的单元格周围有引号。我不要那个。如果我通过文件 -> 另存为 -> CSV/TXT 手动保存文件,则生成的文件不包含这些引号。





3 回答 3



我有一个符合要求的 VBA Array To File功能:对于您正在做的工作可能有点矫枉过正,因为您不需要标题行、转置和检查带有错误陷阱的预先存在文件的选项读取文件的日期戳并防止对函数的重复调用不断覆盖文件。但这是我手头的代码,简化它比按原样使用更麻烦。

想要的是这个函数默认使用制表符作为字段分隔符。当然,您可以将其设置为逗号... csv 文件的普遍接受定义是用逗号分隔的字段和封装在双引号中的文本字段(可能包含逗号字符)。但是我不能声称可以证明这种迂腐的道德制高点,因为下面的代码没有强加封装引号。


  1. 您需要对 Windows 脚本运行时库的引用:scrrun.dll - 这可以在系统文件夹(通常是 C:\WINDOWS\system32)中找到 - 因为我们使用的是文件系统对象;
  2. ArrayToFile 将数据写入临时文件夹中的命名文件。如果您指定“CopyFilePath”,它将被复制到其他地方:永远不要写入网络文件夹,写入本地驱动器并使用本机文件系统功能移动或复制完成的文件总是更快;
  3. 数据以块的形式写入文件,而不是逐行写入;
  4. 有进一步优化的空间:使用 Split 和 Join 函数将消除循环中的字符串连接;
  5. 您可能希望使用 VbCrLF 而不是 VbCr 作为行分隔符:回车通常可以工作,但某些系统和应用程序需要回车和换行符组合才能正确读取或显示换行符。
使用 ArrayToFile 函数:

这很简单:只需输入工作表使用范围的 .Value2 属性:

   ArrayToFile Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Value2, "MyData.csv"

'Value2' 的原因是 'Value' 属性捕获格式,您可能需要日期字段的基础序列值。

VBA ArrayToFile 函数的源代码:

分享和享受......并注意有用的换行符,插入任何可以通过浏览器(或 StackOverflow 的有用格式化功能)破坏代码的地方:

Public Sub ArrayToFile(ByVal arrData As Variant, _
                       ByVal strName As String, _
                       Optional MinFileAge As Double = 0, _
                       Optional Transpose As Boolean = False, _
                       Optional RowDelimiter As String = vbCr, _
                       Optional FieldDelimiter = vbTab, _
                       Optional CopyFilePath As String, _
                       Optional NoEmptyRows As Boolean = True, _
                       Optional arrHeader1 As Variant, _
                       Optional arrHeader2 As Variant)

' Output an array to a file. The field delimiter is tab (char 9); rows use CarriageReturn(char 13). ' The file will be named as specified by strName, and saved in the user's Windows Temp folder.

' Specify CopyFilePath (the full name and path) to copy this temporary file to another folder. ' Saving files locally and copying them is much faster than writing data across the network.

' If a Min File Age 'n' is specified, and n is greater than zero, an existing file will not be ' replaced, and no data will be written unless the file is more than MinFileAge seconds old.

' Transpose = TRUE is useful for arrays generated by Recordset.GetRows and ListControl.Column ' Note that ADODB.Recordset has a native 'save' method (rows delimited by VbCr, fields by Tab)

' **** This code is in the Public Domain **** Nigel Heffernan http://Excellerando.blogspot.com

On Error Resume Next

Dim objFSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject Set objFSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject

If objFSO Is Nothing Then Shell "Regsvr32.exe /s scrrun.dll", vbHide Application.Wait Now + (0.25 / 3600 / 24) Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") End If

If objFSO Is Nothing Then Exit Sub End If

Dim strFile As String Dim strTemp As String

Dim i As Long, j As Long

Dim strData As String Dim strLine As String

Dim strEmpty As String Dim dblCount As Double

Const BUFFERLEN As Long = 255

strName = Replace(strName, "[", "") strName = Replace(strName, "]", "")

Set objFSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject

If objFSO Is Nothing Then Shell "Regsvr32.exe /s scrrun.dll", vbHide Application.Wait Now + (0.25 / 3600 / 24) Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") End If

If objFSO Is Nothing Then Exit Sub End If

strTemp = objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(Scripting.TemporaryFolder).ShortPath

strFile = objFSO.BuildPath(strTemp, strName)

If objFSO.FileExists(strFile) Then

If MinFileAge > 0 Then
    If objFSO.GetFile(strFile).DateCreated + (MinFileAge / 3600 / 24) > Now Then
        Set objFSO = Nothing
        Exit Sub
    End If
End If

objFSO.DeleteFile strFile, True

If Err.Number = 70 Then
    VBA.FileSystem.Kill strFile
End If

End If

If objFSO.FileExists(strFile) Then Exit Sub End If

Application.StatusBar = "Cacheing data in a temp file... "

strData = vbNullString With objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFile, ForWriting, True)

' **** **** **** HEADER1 **** **** ****
If Not IsMissing(arrHeader1) Then
If Not IsEmpty(arrHeader1) Then
If InStr(1, TypeName(arrHeader1), "(") > 1 Then  ' It's an array...

    Select Case ArrayDimensions(arrHeader1)
    Case 1  ' Vector array

       .Write Join(arrHeader1, RowDelimiter)

    Case 2 ' 2-D array... 3-D arrays are not handled

        If Transpose = True Then

            For i = LBound(arrHeader1, 2) To UBound(arrHeader1, 2)

                For j = LBound(arrHeader1, 1) To UBound(arrHeader1, 1)

                    strData = strData & FieldDelimiter & CStr(arrHeader1(j, i))

                Next j

                strData = strData & RowDelimiter

            Next i

       Else   ' not transposing:

            For i = LBound(arrHeader1, 1) To UBound(arrHeader1, 1)

                For j = LBound(arrHeader1, 2) To UBound(arrHeader1, 2)

                    strData = strData & CStr(arrHeader1(i, j))

                    If j < UBound(arrHeader1, 2) Then
                        strData = strData & FieldDelimiter
                    End If

                Next j

                strData = strData & RowDelimiter

            Next i

        End If ' Transpose

    End Select

 '   .Write strData
 '   strData = vbNullString
    Erase arrHeader1

Else ' treat it as a string
    If LenB(arrHeader1) > 0 Then
        .Write arrHeader1
    End If
End If
End If 'Not IsMissing(arrHeader1)
End If 'Not IsEmpty(arrHeader1)

' **** **** **** HEADER2 **** **** ****
If Not IsMissing(arrHeader2) Then
If Not IsEmpty(arrHeader2) Then
If InStr(1, TypeName(arrHeader2), "(") > 1 Then  ' It's an array...

    Select Case ArrayDimensions(arrHeader2)
    Case 1  ' Vector array

       .Write Join(arrHeader2, RowDelimiter)

    Case 2 ' 2-D array... 3-D arrays are not handled

        If Transpose = True Then

            For i = LBound(arrHeader2, 2) To UBound(arrHeader2, 2)

                For j = LBound(arrHeader2, 1) To UBound(arrHeader2, 1)

                    strData = strData & FieldDelimiter & CStr(arrHeader2(j, i))

                Next j

                strData = strData & RowDelimiter

            Next i

       Else   ' not transposing:

            For i = LBound(arrHeader2, 1) To UBound(arrHeader2, 1)

                For j = LBound(arrHeader2, 2) To UBound(arrHeader2, 2)

                    strData = strData & CStr(arrHeader2(i, j))

                    If j < UBound(arrHeader2, 2) Then
                        strData = strData & FieldDelimiter
                    End If

                Next j

                strData = strData & RowDelimiter

            Next i

        End If ' Transpose

    End Select        

 '   .Write strData
 '   strData = vbNullString
    Erase arrHeader2

Else ' treat it as a string
    If LenB(arrHeader2) > 0 Then
        .Write arrHeader2
    End If
End If
End If 'Not IsMissing(arrHeader2)
End If 'Not IsEmpty(arrHeader2)

' **** **** **** BODY **** **** ****

If InStr(1, TypeName(arrData), "(") > 1 Then
    ' It's an array...

    Select Case ArrayDimensions(arrData)
    Case 1

        If NoEmptyRows Then
            .Write Replace$(Join(arrData, RowDelimiter), RowDelimiter & RowDelimiter, "")
            .Write Join(arrData, RowDelimiter)
        End If

    Case 2

        If Transpose = True Then

            strEmpty = String(UBound(arrData, 1) - 1, FieldDelimiter) & RowDelimiter

            For i = LBound(arrData, 2) To UBound(arrData, 2)

                For j = LBound(arrData, 1) To UBound(arrData, 1)

                    strData = strData & FieldDelimiter & CStr(arrData(j, i))

                Next j

                strData = strData & RowDelimiter

                If (Len(strData) \ 1024) > BUFFERLEN Then

                    If NoEmptyRows Then
                        strData = Replace$(strData, strEmpty, "")
                        'strData = Replace$(strData, RowDelimiter & RowDelimiter, "")
                    End If

                    Application.StatusBar = "Cacheing data in a temp file... (" & Format(dblCount + (Len(strData) \ 1024), "0,000") & "kB)"

                    dblCount = dblCount + (Len(strData) \ 1024)
                    .Write strData
                    strData = vbNullString
                End If

            Next i

        Else   ' not transposing:

            strEmpty = String(UBound(arrData, 2) - 1, FieldDelimiter) & RowDelimiter

            For i = LBound(arrData, 1) To UBound(arrData, 1)

                For j = LBound(arrData, 2) To UBound(arrData, 2)

                    strData = strData & CStr(arrData(i, j))

                    If j < UBound(arrData, 2) Then
                        strData = strData & FieldDelimiter
                    End If

                Next j

                strData = strData & RowDelimiter

                If (Len(strData) \ 1024) > BUFFERLEN Then

                    If NoEmptyRows Then
                        strData = Replace$(strData, strEmpty, "")
                        'strData = Replace$(strData, RowDelimiter & RowDelimiter, "")
                    End If

                    Application.StatusBar = "Cacheing data in a temp file... (" & Format(dblCount + (Len(strData) \ 1024), "0,000") & "kB)"

                    dblCount = dblCount + (Len(strData) \ 1024)
                    .Write strData
                    strData = vbNullString
                End If

            Next i

        End If ' Transpose

    End Select

    If NoEmptyRows Then
        strData = Replace$(strData, strEmpty, "")
        'strData = Replace$(strData, RowDelimiter & RowDelimiter, "")
    End If

    If Right$(strData, Len(RowDelimiter)) = RowDelimiter Then
        Mid$(strData, Len(strData) - Len(RowDelimiter), Len(RowDelimiter)) = ""
    End If

    .Write strData
    strData = vbNullString
    Erase arrData

Else ' treat it as a string

     .Write arrData

End If

.Close End With ' textstream object from objFSO.OpenTextFile

If CopyFilePath <> "" Then

Application.StatusBar = "Copying " & strName & " to " & CopyFilePath & "..."
objFSO.CopyFile strFile, CopyFilePath, True

End If

Application.StatusBar = False Set objFSO = Nothing strData = vbNullString

End Sub


Public Sub FileToArray(arrData As Variant, strName As String, Optional MaxFileAge As Double = 0, Optional RowDelimiter As String = vbCr, Optional FieldDelimiter = vbTab, Optional CoerceLowerBound As Long = 0) ' Load a file created by FileToArray into a 2-dimensional array ' The file name is specified by strName, and it is exected to exist in the user's temporary folder. ' This is a deliberate restriction: it's always faster to copy remote files to a local drive than to edit them across the network ' If a Max File Age 'n' is specified, and n is greater than zero, files more than n seconds old will NOT be read.

' **** This code is in the Public Domain **** Nigel Heffernan http://Excellerando.blogspot.com

On Error Resume Next

Dim objFSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject Set objFSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject

If objFSO Is Nothing Then Shell "Regsvr32.exe /s scrrun.dll", vbHide Application.Wait Now + (0.25 / 3600 / 24) Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") End If

If objFSO Is Nothing Then Exit Sub End If

Dim strFile As String Dim strTemp As String

Dim i As Long Dim j As Long

Dim i_n As Long Dim j_n As Long

Dim i_lBound As Long Dim i_uBound As Long Dim j_lBound As Long Dim j_uBound As Long

Dim arrTemp1 As Variant Dim arrTemp2 As Variant

Dim dblCount As Double

Set objFSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject

If objFSO Is Nothing Then Shell "Regsvr32.exe /s scrrun.dll", vbHide Application.Wait Now + (0.25 / 3600 / 24) Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") End If

If objFSO Is Nothing Then Exit Sub End If

strTemp = objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(Scripting.TemporaryFolder).ShortPath

strFile = objFSO.BuildPath(strTemp, strName)

If Not objFSO.FileExists(strFile) Then Exit Sub End If

If MaxFileAge > 0 Then ' If the file's a bit elderly, bail out - the calling function will refresh the data from source If objFSO.GetFile(strFile).DateCreated + (MaxFileAge / 3600 / 24) < Now Then Set objFSO = Nothing Exit Sub End If

End If

Application.StatusBar = "Reading the file... (" & strName & ")"

arrData = Split2d(objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFile, ForReading).ReadAll, RowDelimiter, FieldDelimiter, CoerceLowerBound)

Application.StatusBar = "Reading the file... Done"

Set objFSO = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub RemoveTempFiles(ParamArray FileNames())

On Error Resume Next

Dim objFSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject Set objFSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject

If objFSO Is Nothing Then Shell "Regsvr32.exe /s scrrun.dll", vbHide Application.Wait Now + (0.25 / 3600 / 24) Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") End If

If objFSO Is Nothing Then Exit Sub End If

Dim varName As Variant Dim strName As String Dim strFile As String Dim strTemp As String

strTemp = objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(Scripting.TemporaryFolder).ShortPath

For Each varName In FileNames

strName = vbNullString
strFile = vbNullString

strName = CStr(varName)
strFile = objFSO.BuildPath(strTemp, strName)

If objFSO.FileExists(strFile) Then
    objFSO.DeleteFile strFile, True
End If

Next varName

Set objFSO = Nothing

End Sub

我建议您将其保留在 Option Private Module 下的模块中 - 这不是我希望其他用户直接从工作表调用的那种功能。

于 2012-08-21T11:10:48.830 回答



唯一的解决方案是使用不同的分隔符,例如制表符(有效地将其更改为 TSV 文件),这当然只有在数据中也没有出现新的分隔符时才有效。

于 2012-08-21T08:58:56.217 回答


Sub SaveFile()
    Dim rng As Range
    Dim rw As Range
    Dim ln As Variant

    ' Set rng to yout data range, eg
    Set rng = ActiveSheet.UsedRange

    Open "C:\Temp\TESTFILE.txt" For Output As #1    ' Open file for output.
    For Each rw In rng.Rows
        ln = Join(Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(rw)), vbTab)
        Print #1, ln; vbNewLine;
    Close #1
End Sub
于 2012-08-21T09:38:16.823 回答