I've set up a Rails 3.2 application with Devise. I was wondering how I can allow users to comment using Facebook. Can I use facebook connect along with Devise? If I can, is it ok to have 2 methods of authentication on my site?

I've read some tutorials on setting up OAuth with Devise to allow facebook connect, but it's not all that clear to me. Does anyone know a good step-by-step tutorial on how to integrate facebook comments with Devise already set up? Thanks a lot!


1 回答 1


您无需为评论设置 Facebook Connect。

您必须首先创建一个Facebook 应用程序,然后生成评论插件。之后,将 Javascript 代码放在您application.html.erbbody标签之后(我的建议是做一个部分)。最后,将divfb-comments您希望评论框出现的类放在一起。

于 2012-08-21T10:23:39.200 回答