设置 void * 指针等于一个整数



void * p;
p = malloc(sizeof(int));


int age = 20;
p = (void*)age;

我的问题是如何p = (void*)age;工作?如果 p 是一个指针,那么 (void*) 前面的作用是age什么?为什么值为p20?


4 回答 4


You are creating an automatic variable called age and you are also creating a variable called p which is a void * pointer. This means it is a pointer to something, but you do not know what. You are then assigning the value of age to the pointer p. In order to satisfy the type system you have to cast it to void * by using the (void *) syntax in order to say to the compiler "I know what I am doing.".

As for the reason why you are storing an integer in a void * pointer... there is no good reason I can think of. Perhaps you meant p = &age, which means p points to the variable on the stack.

To answer ratzip's comment:

`(void *)age`

Means "a void * pointer with the value of age".

If I wrote void *p = malloc(1) then it would allocate some memory and the numerical value of p would be the address in memory, for example 12345. If I went to that value in memory I would find the memory I allocated. If I write (void *)age then I am casting (i.e. taking the value in one type and storing in a different type) and assigning it to p. So the value of p is 20, p points to "memory at address 20". Which is meaningless unless you know that there is some memory there that you want to use. I can say with 99.999% certainty that this is not the case. int and pointer are both numbers, but they are used for very different purposes. One represents a number to the user, one represents a memory address to the computer.

(Of course with virtualised memory the above is not strictly true)

于 2012-08-20T13:38:25.850 回答



文本(void *)是括在括号中的类型名称,这在 C 中称为“强制转换”,它用于将其后面的表达式的类型转换为命名类型。通常,看到涉及的强制转换void *应该作为一个警告信号,因为在正确的代码中很少需要它们。

于 2012-08-20T13:36:11.453 回答

The (void*) is a type cast and is casting the integer value of 20 to a (void*) value of 20.

Basically, you are setting your current (void*) value returned from malloc() to 0x00000014.

If you are trying to set p to the address of the age integer, you need to do this:

p = &age;

If you want to fill in the memory pointed to by p (that you allocated with malloc) with a value of 20, then you need to do this:

*p = age;
于 2012-08-20T13:38:34.090 回答




#define SOME_DEVICE_REG_ADDRESS 0x10050000
uint32_t *p = (uint32_t *)SOME_DEVICE_REG_ADDRESS
于 2012-08-20T13:45:00.583 回答