suboptimal pack - out of memory当我在 git 中推送我的仓库时,我收到了一个警告:

Counting objects: 103, done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
warning: suboptimal pack - out of memory
Compressing objects: 100% (100/100), done.

如您所见,repo 最终被压缩,然后系统成功推送 repo。所以它看起来很好,尽管它的包装不是最理想的。我的问题是:对回购有任何潜在的损害,还是只是有点大?

这是一个相当大的 repo,所以这可能是导致此错误的原因,但只要我的文件没有损坏,那么我对此没有任何问题。


1 回答 1


不,您的存储库没有损坏。当 git 尝试为特定 blob 生成增量索引时内存不足时会引发警告。仅此一项还不足以损害您的存储库或使推送过程崩溃(这就是为什么它首先从错误更改为警告......五年多前):

commit a588d88aaff312f3afd5713ffcb4e4b1829fb5a6
Author: Martin Koegler <mkoegler@auto.tuwien.ac.at>
Date:   Mon May 28 23:20:57 2007 +0200

    builtin-pack-objects: don't fail, if delta is not possible

    If builtin-pack-objects runs out of memory while finding
    the best deltas, it bails out with an error.

    If the delta index creation fails (because there is not enough memory),
    we can downgrade the error message to a warning and continue with the
    next object.

    Signed-off-by: Martin Koegler <mkoegler@auto.tuwien.ac.at>
    Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <junkio@cox.net>


于 2012-08-20T12:05:00.017 回答