我有一个从低到高排序的数组,其中包含超过 260k 的值。我已经找到了数组的平均值(平均值)和中位数,只需要找出模式?
我不能使用 PHP 拥有的任何数学函数,它必须全部手动完成。
我想要它,所以可能只有一个值是模式,但可能有多个值可以是模式。我还需要能够记录值被存储的次数。例如数字 51 出现 6 次,所以我可以打印这两个值。
$amountRecords = 0;
$totalValue = 0;
$valueArray = array();
// reads in csv file
$handle = fopen('Task1-DataForMeanMedianMode.csv', 'r');
// to skip the header names/values
// creates array containing variables of csv file in ascending order
while(($row = fgetcsv($handle, "\r")) != FALSE)
// if amountRecords equals 0
if($amountRecords == 0)
// adds value from csv to array
$valueArray[] = $row[1];
} // else amountRecords does not equal 0
// if the value in array location before is greater than the current value from the csv file
if($valueArray[$amountRecords - 1] > $row[1])
// the current array location becomes the one in the location before
$valueArray[] = $valueArray[$amountRecords - 1];
// add the value from the csv to the location before
$valueArray[$amountRecords - 1] = $row[1];
} // if the value in the location before is not greater than the current value in the csv file
// adds value from csv to array
$valueArray[] = $row[1];
// calculates the total value of the values in csv file
$totalValue = $totalValue + $row[1];
// calculates the number of values in the csv file
// calculate average value of payments
$averageValue = $totalValue / $amountRecords;
// limit integer to 2 decimal place
$average = number_format($averageValue,2,'.','');
// finds middle value
$middle = floor(($amountRecords / 2) - 1);
// calculates the median value
// if array size is even
if($amountRecords % 2 == 0)
// calculates median
$median = $valueArray[$middle];
else // if array size is odd
// calculate low and high values
$low = $valueArray[$middle];
$high = $valueArray[$middle + 1];
// calculates median
$median = (($low + $high) / 2);
// works out mode
// creates array count
$count = array();
// for each value in the valueArray
foreach( $valueArray as $value )
if( isset( $count[$value] ))
$count[$value] = 1;
$mostCommon = "";
$iter = 0;
foreach( $count as $k => $v )
if( $v > $iter )
$mostCommon = $k;
$iter = $v;
$modeArray = array( "mode" => $mostCommon , "count" => $iter );