我试图编程从一台服务器向多个客户端发送消息。我必须在客户端使用 C#,在服务器端使用 C++。我以服务器的http://zguide.zeromq.org/page:all#toc8为例:

#define within(num) (int) ((float) num * rand () / (RAND_MAX + 1.0))

int main () {

//  Prepare our context and publisher
zmq::context_t context (1);
zmq::socket_t publisher (context, ZMQ_PUB);

//  Initialize random number generator
srand ((unsigned) time (NULL));
while (1) {

    int zipcode, temperature, relhumidity;

    //  Get values that will fool the boss
    zipcode     = within (100000);
    temperature = within (215) - 80;
    relhumidity = within (50) + 10;

    //  Send message to all subscribers
    zmq::message_t message(20);
    _snprintf ((char *) message.data(), 20 ,
        "%05d %d %d", zipcode, temperature, relhumidity);

return 0;


namespace ZMQGuide
internal class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args) {
        Console.WriteLine("Collecting updates from weather server…");

        // default zipcode is 10001
        string zipcode = "10001 "; // the reason for having a space after 10001 is in case of the message would start with 100012 which we are not interested in

        if (args.Length > 0)
            zipcode = args[1] + " ";

        using (var context = new Context(1))
            using (Socket subscriber = context.Socket(SocketType.SUB))
                subscriber.Subscribe(zipcode, Encoding.Unicode);

                const int updatesToCollect = 100;
                int totalTemperature = 0;

                for (int updateNumber = 0; updateNumber < updatesToCollect; updateNumber++)
                    string update = subscriber.Recv(Encoding.Unicode);
                    totalTemperature += Convert.ToInt32(update.Split()[1]);

                Console.WriteLine("Average temperature for zipcode {0} was {1}F", zipcode, totalTemperature / updatesToCollect);

他们不互相交流。在客户端(C++)上,我用 ipc 交互注释了行,因为在 Windows 客户端上使用 ipc 失败。C# - C#、C++ - C++ 交互在这种情况下正常工作。我使用 clrzmq 2.2.5。



1 回答 1


C# 客户端使用 Encoding.Unicode,它是一个 2 字节的 unicode 表示 (UTF-16)。C++ 服务器使用 ASCII。

ZMQ 订阅匹配在字节级别上工作,并且不会在字符编码之间转换,所以这就是我的问题所在。在 C# 客户端中切换到 Encoding.ASCII 或 Encoding.UTF8 可解决此问题。

于 2012-08-22T13:09:31.073 回答