{"dogs" {"great dane" 2, "poodle" 4}, "cats" {"siamese" 1 "tom" 3}}
(defn do-the-thing-1 [lines species_list]
;; we know the full list of species beforehand so to avoid thread contention
;; for a single resource, make an atom for each species
(let [resultdump (reduce #(assoc %1 %2 (atom {})) {} species_list)
line-processor (fn [line]
(fn [] ; return a function that will do the work when invoked
(doseq [[species breed] (extract-pairs line)]
(swap! ; increase the count for this species-breed pair
(resultdump species)
update-in [breed] #(+ 1 (or % 0))))))
pool (Executors/newFixedThreadPool 4)]
;; queue up the tasks
(doseq [future (.invokeAll pool (map line-processor lines))]
(.get future))
(.shutdown pool)
(deref-vals result)))
(defn deref-vals [species_map]
(into {} (for [[species fdist] species_map] [species @fdist]))
{"dogs" {"great dane" 1/3, "poodle" 2/3}, "cats" {"siamese" 1/4, "tom" 3/4}}
(defn freq->prob
"Converts a frequency distribution into a probability distribution"
(let [sum (apply + (vals fdist))]
(fn [dist [key val]] (assoc! dist key (/ val sum)))
(transient fdist)
(seq fdist)))))
(defn do-the-thing-2 [lines species_list]
;; we know the full list of species beforehand so to avoid thread contention
;; for a single resource, make an atom for each species
(let [resultdump (reduce #(assoc %1 %2 (atom {})) {} species_list)
line-processor (fn [line]
(fn [] ; return a function that will do the work when invoked
(doseq [[species breed] (extract-pairs line)]
(swap! ; increase the count for this species-breed pair
(resultdump species)
update-in [breed] #(+ 1 (or % 0))))))
pool (Executors/newFixedThreadPool 4)]
;; queue up the tasks
(doseq [future (.invokeAll pool (map line-processor lines))]
(.get future))
;; this is the only bit that has been added
(doseq [future (.invokeAll pool (map
(fn [fdist_atom]
#(reset! fdist_atom (freq->prob @fdist_atom)))
(vals resultdump)))]
(.get future))
(.shutdown pool)
(deref-vals result)))
每次访问结果地图时慢大约 10 倍,尽管返回的数据是相同的。任何人都可以就为什么会这样或我能做些什么提出原因吗?
编辑:我现在怀疑它与 Clojure 的分数有关。如果我修改freq->prob