这是 Webforms 2 中的指南,可以完全按照您的要求进行操作。
添加一个名为 EmailRequest.cshtml 的新页面并添加以下标记:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Request for Assistance</title>
<h2>Submit Email Request for Assistance</h2>
<form method="post" action="ProcessRequest.cshtml">
Your name:
<input type="text" name="customerName" />
Your email address:
<input type="text" name="customerEmail" />
Details about your problem: <br />
<textarea name="customerRequest" cols="45" rows="4"></textarea>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
请注意,表单元素的 action 属性已设置为 ProcessRequest.cshtml。这意味着表单将被提交到该页面而不是返回到当前页面。
向网站添加一个名为 ProcessRequest.cshtml 的新页面,并添加以下代码和标记:
var customerName = Request["customerName"];
var customerEmail = Request["customerEmail"];
var customerRequest = Request["customerRequest"];
var errorMessage = "";
var debuggingFlag = false;
try {
// Initialize WebMail helper
WebMail.SmtpServer = "your-SMTP-host";
WebMail.SmtpPort = 25;
WebMail.UserName = "your-user-name-here";
WebMail.Password = "your-account-password";
WebMail.From = "your-email-address-here";
// Send email
WebMail.Send(to: customerEmail,
subject: "Help request from - " + customerName,
body: customerRequest
catch (Exception ex ) {
errorMessage = ex.Message;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Request for Assistance</title>
<p>Sorry to hear that you are having trouble, <b>@customerName</b>.</p>
@if(errorMessage == ""){
<p>An email message has been sent to our customer service
department regarding the following problem:</p>
<p><b>The email was <em>not</em> sent.</b></p>
<p>Please check that the code in the ProcessRequest page has
correct settings for the SMTP server name, a user name,
a password, and a "from" address.
<p>The following error was reported:</p>