我一直在 Eclipse 的一个项目中开发许多 Android 活动。
我现在正在按照教程来实现推送通知,我需要创建一个新的 Android 应用程序(在代码中扩展应用程序)。
我的代码如下:(ApplicationLoader 不是应用程序/项目的名称)
public class ApplicationLoader extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
//Configure your application
// This can be done in code as illustrated here,
// or you can add these settings to a properties file
// called airshipconfig.properties
// and place it in your "assets" folder
AirshipConfigOptions options = AirshipConfigOptions.loadDefaultOptions(this);
options.developmentAppKey = --my development app key
options.productionAppKey = --my production app key
options.inProduction = false; //determines which app key to use
Logger.logLevel = Log.VERBOSE;
// Take off initializes the services
UAirship.takeOff(this, options);
PushPreferences prefs = PushManager.shared().getPreferences();
Logger.info("My Application onCreate - App APID: " + prefs.getPushId());