这个 javaApplet
import java.applet.*;//Importing java.applet
public class MyApplet extends Applet {
TextField txt1, txt2;
public void init(){//Initializing our applet
txt1 = new TextField(""); //Creates a textfield 'txt1'
txt2 = new TextField(""); //Creates a textfield 'txt2'
setBackground(Color.CYAN);//Setting background color to CYAN
add(txt1); //Adds textfield 'txt1' to your applet
add(txt2); //Adds textfield 'txt2' to your applet
public void paint(Graphics obj){//Paint method to display our message
String s1 = txt1.getText(); //Fetching data from text field 1.
String s2 = txt2.getText(); //Fetching data from text field 2.
int num1=0, num2 = 0, num3; //Declaring 3 integer variables
num1 = Integer.parseInt(s1); //Parsing the string value of text field 1 to integer
num2 = Integer.parseInt(s2); //Parsing the string value of text field 2 in integer
num3 = num1 + num2; //Performing addition
String s3 = String.valueOf(num3); //Converting the result from integer to string
obj.drawString("Result:", 40, 50);
obj.drawString(s3, 50, 50);//To display the result