I have assigned some featured products in my homepage and somehow the link to product is different from that of my menu.

For example: From menu: http://www.mydomain.com/store/products/littleshirt

From featured products section: http://www.mydomain.com/store/littleshirt

I am using opencart extension menu but I don't supposed that is the source of this problem. I need the URL to point to same location as the url for featured product link to the product nicely but the side product menu only display parent categories.

Is there anyway to resolve this?

Any help are appreciated!! :D


2 回答 2


“OpenCart 特色产品和新闻”模块是一个基于 jquery 的开放式购物车模块,它显示选定的特色产品和/或新闻或相关帖子

OpenCart 特色产品和新闻很有用,并且有一个不错的插件。


于 2013-07-13T10:18:22.813 回答

我的已知问题。使用规范引用这些重复项的所需 URL 是解决此问题的一种解决方案。例如:

http://www.example.com/store/littleshirt 包含所需 URL 的规范: http ://www.example.com/store/products/littleshirt


ps 我必须将 URL 更改为 example.com 才能让我的帖子通过。

于 2018-01-18T12:12:41.903 回答