
I have a very unusual problem. I made a project in C#.net in vs 2008 and SQL server 2005. I have two DB to use. Now, the problem is whenrunning the project on my PC it works fine, but when i install on users PC, through setup, im getting a exception handler error , when im trying to save any data in either of the DBs. However i tried to insert data through INSERT INTO coomand in sql it works fine. And i have no problem in retrieving data. So any one can help please do.

Thanks in advance


1 回答 1


您如何指定与数据库的连接?如果您正在执行 Windows 身份验证,则很可能您的用户帐户没有数据库权限。也可能是他们无法从他们在网络上的位置看到数据库。

我首先从用户的机器上 ping 数据库服务器,以确保他们甚至可以访问服务器。

于 2012-08-17T19:27:56.173 回答