这个例子来自一本书。表格标题,奇数,偶数行有不同的颜色。它选择不包含 th 元素的 tr ,以防止表格标题和偶数行之间的样式重叠。但是在浏览器渲染之后,它就会出来<tr class="table-heading even">
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<title>Styling Alternate Rows</title>
<style type="text/css">
background-color:#6C6; /*green for table heading*/
background-color:#ffc; /*pale yellow for odd row*/
background-color:#cef; /*pale blue for even rows*/
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//style table heading row
//style odd row
//style even row
//style next table cells of the cell containing the word "Henry"
<td>As your like it</td>
<td>All well</td>
<td>Henry IV Part 1</td>
<td>Henry V</td>