我目前正在公司环境中使用 Windows 8 应用程序的旁加载。我们的客户很可能会在基于 x86 的平板电脑上运行 Windows 8 Pro。只要在目标设备上注册了开发人员帐户,使用 PowerShell 部署应用程序(相当)就可以很好地工作。如果不是,则应用启动时会出现以下错误:


~AppName~ 有问题。有关修复或重新安装它的信息,请联系您的系统管理员。

我们的 CA 的根证书已安装在设备上,并且允许所有受信任的应用程序安装组策略设置已正确设置。该设备位于(实验)域中。在 Windows 8 Enterprise 上,它实际上就像一个魅力。

关于TechNet 上的这篇文章,要在企业版以外的任何其他 Windows 版本上进行旁加载,需要“旁加载产品激活密钥”。我搜索了有关此类密钥的更多信息,但没有找到任何信息。

所以我的问题是:什么是“侧面加载产品激活密钥”,谁生成它以及如何激活/输入它?或者这句话是否意味着我们需要选择 Windows 8 Enterprise?


3 回答 3


http://blogs.msdn.com/b/windowsstore/archive/2012/04/25/deploying-metro-style-apps-to-businesses.aspx says « [you need to] activate a special product key on the target machine to enable sideloading. We'll go into more detail about how [to] acquire the product keys in an upcoming blog post. The product key only needs to be installed and activated once on the PC».

The latest I found (August 28th): http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/w8itproinstall/thread/3092a681-b9cc-473b-83aa-b492ea7f3946 ... says «An Enterprise SKU is not required (for sideloading on Windows RT or Windows 8). You can side-load on Windows RT or Windows 8 Pro if you've activated a Sideloading Product Key. Details on how to get such a key are not yet available».

于 2012-10-05T22:49:18.810 回答

According to this article on ZDNet, you need to buy the keys required to enable sideloading on Windows 8 Pro (as long as you don't want to stick with a developer license). If you search for the given SKU (J7S-00005), you'll find some shops selling bundles with 100 keys for 30€ each.

于 2012-12-04T16:36:08.857 回答




第 2 步:验证您是否拥有开发人员许可证。如果脚本没有找到一个或您当前的许可证已过期,系统会提示您获取一个。要获得开发人员许可证,您必须拥有 Microsoft 帐户。有关详细信息,请参阅获取开发人员许可证(Metro 风格的应用程序)。

在商店接受您的 Metro 风格应用程序之前,您必须对其进行打包并根据某些规则对其进行认证。如果 Windows 应用商店未认证 Metro 风格的应用程序,则该应用程序无法在 Windows 上运行,除非您在本地计算机上安装了开发人员许可证,或者该应用程序是由您的企业旁加载到计算机上的。(此限制不适用于桌面应用程序。)旁加载是安装未通过 Windows 应用商店分发的应用程序的过程,通常用于在应用程序准备销售之前对其进行测试。有关侧载的更多信息,请参阅什么是侧载?Windows 应用商店允许吗?

链接以在没有 Visual Studio 的情况下获取开发人员许可。


If you aren’t using Visual Studio 2012, you can get and manage developer licenses at a command prompt by running these commands in Windows PowerShell:

Show-WindowsDeveloperLicenseRegistration. This command opens a dialog box from which you can get a developer license and install it on the local machine. To run this command, you must have a valid Microsoft account. You also must run this command in a command prompt with elevated permissions.

Get-WindowsDeveloperLicense. This command returns an object that has two properties: ExpirationTime and IsValid. ExpirationTime is a System.DateTime structure that contains the date and time when the license expires. IsValid is a System.Boolean that indicates whether the license is valid. You can run this command from either a non-elevated command prompt or a command prompt with elevated permissions.

Unregister-WindowsDeveloperLicense. This command warns you that some Metro style apps will stop working if you remove the developer license from the local machine. If you choose "Yes" (the default) to confirm that you want to remove the license, the license is removed from the local machine. You must run this command in a command prompt with elevated permissions. The examples show the basic PowerShell syntax:

C:\PS> Show-WindowsDeveloperLicenseRegistration
C:\PS> Get-WindowsDeveloperLicense
C:\PS> Unregister-WindowsDeveloperLicense

Alternately, as you mentioned, you can side-load your application. Documentation for that is found here. Further information linking to the msdn on side-loading here.

The main point on the required key is:

Currently, the Consumer Preview and Windows Server 8 Beta are classified as “enterprise sideloading enabled.” This means that when a PC is domain joined, it can be configured to accept non-Windows Store apps from their IT admin. Moving forward, this functionality to install non-Windows Store Metro style apps will be available for Windows 8 Enterprise Edition and Windows 8 Server editions.

于 2012-08-17T15:05:36.230 回答