我正在尝试构建一种强大、简单、安全、包罗万象的方法来通过 ajax 将动态 SQL 查询传递给 php 脚本。我认为我还没有想出获胜者,但我现在所拥有的似乎对我的应用程序有用。我希望我的 Web 服务器上只有一个 php 脚本,它接受输入变量来构建 SQL 查询、执行查询并将结果返回到网站。执行查询并返回结果不是问题。问题是将这些输入变量传递给脚本的正确且安全的方法。
我遇到的最大困惑是如何生成 WHERE 子句仍然能够解释所有可能的不同 WHERE 子句。
假设服务器上的 PHP 文件名为master.php
从 Javascirpt 我有这个:
type: "POST",
url: "master.php",
dataType: "xml",
data: {
schema: "the_schema",
table: "the_table",
select: JSON.stringify(['col_name_1','col_name_2','...']),
where: JSON.stringify(["status","!=","Some Status","and","STR_TO_DATE(date,","%m/%d/%Y",")",">","(date(now())","-","INTERVAL","30","day)"])
success: function (data){
// of course here I will actually do something with the data, this is just for illustration of how the data is returned to the web page.
变量将是来自数据库的 XML 数据,字符串为:“failure: error msg”。
include '/config_file.php'; //checks user permissions and establishes mysqli connection
* Table and schema are required
$table = $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['table']);
$schema = $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['schema']);
* Select section
* if there is no select then just use *
if (isset($_POST['select'])){
$select_string = 'select ';
$select = json_decode($_POST['select']);
foreach($select as $key => $value){
$select_string .= '`'.$mysqli->real_escape_string($value).'`, ';
$select_string = 'select * ';
* Where section
if (isset($_POST['where'])){
$where = json_decode($_POST['where']);
if (isset($where)){
$where_string = ' where ';
foreach ($where as $key => $value){
if (strpos($value, ' ') !== false or strpos($value, '%') !== false){
// if there is a space or % in the value, it must be a string so enclose it in quotes
$where_string .= '"'.$mysqli->real_escape_string($value).'" ';
$where_string .= $mysqli->real_escape_string($value).' ';
$where_string = rtrim($where_string);
if(!isset($where_string)) $where_string = '';
* End of Where Section
* Build SQL
$SQL = $select_string.'from '.$schema.'.'.$table.$where_string;
//...continue to execute query and echo results
数组的每个部分都被转义并添加到查询中,甚至列名和运算符(=、!=、>、< 等)。
另外,正如您所看到的,它们似乎有点疯狂,我为 where 子句的这一部分的每个部分传递了单独的字符串->and STR_TO_DATE(date, "%m/%d/%Y" ) > (date(now()) - INTERVAL 30 day)
- 将动态 where 子句传递给 ajax 脚本的经验
- 如果你有更好的主意
- 查看脚本中的安全漏洞