
我尝试了两种方法。一种是使用类型系统(使用类型类、类型族、功能依赖等)。另一个是创建我自己的“vtable”并使用 GADT。两种方法都以类似的方式失败 - 我在这里似乎缺少一些基本的东西。或者,也许,有更好的 Haskell-ish 方式来做到这一点?


{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}

module Typed where

import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Lens.Lazy
import Data.Lens.Template

-- Generic Block.
data Block state ports = Block { _blockState :: state, _blockPorts :: ports }

-- For the logic we want to use, we need some state and ports.
data LogicState = LogicState { _field :: Bool }
data LogicPorts incoming outgoing =
  LogicPorts { _input :: incoming, _output :: outgoing }

makeLenses [ ''Block, ''LogicState, ''LogicPorts ]

-- We need to describe how to reach the needed state and ports,
-- and provide a piece of the logic.
class LogicBlock block incoming outgoing | block -> incoming, block -> outgoing where
  logicState :: block ~ Block state ports => Lens state LogicState
  logicPorts :: block ~ Block state ports => Lens ports (LogicPorts incoming outgoing)
  convert :: block ~ Block state ports => incoming -> State block outgoing
  runLogic :: State block outgoing
  runLogic = do
    state <- access $ blockState
    let myField = state ^. logicState ^. field
    if myField
    then do
      ports <- access blockPorts
      let inputMessage = ports ^. logicPorts ^. input
      convert inputMessage
      error "Sorry"

-- My block uses the generic logic, and also maintains additional state
-- and ports.
data MyState = MyState { _myLogicState :: LogicState, _myMoreState :: Bool }
data MyPorts = MyPorts { _myLogicPorts :: LogicPorts Int Bool, _myMorePorts :: Int }

makeLenses [ ''MyState, ''MyPorts ]

type MyBlock = Block MyState MyPorts

instance LogicBlock MyBlock Int Bool where
  logicState = myLogicState
  logicPorts = myLogicPorts
  convert x = return $ x > 0

-- All this work to write:
testMyBlock :: State MyBlock Bool
testMyBlock = runLogic


    Could not deduce (block ~ Block state1 ports1)
    from the context (LogicBlock block incoming outgoing)
      bound by the class declaration for `LogicBlock'
      at Typed.hs:(27,1)-(41,19)
      `block' is a rigid type variable bound by
              the class declaration for `LogicBlock' at Typed.hs:26:18
    Expected type: StateT block Data.Functor.Identity.Identity outgoing
      Actual type: State (Block state1 ports1) outgoing
    In the return type of a call of `convert'
    In a stmt of a 'do' block: convert inputMessage


{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module VTable where

import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Lens.Lazy
import Data.Lens.Template

-- Generic Block.
data Block state ports = Block { _blockState :: state, _blockPorts :: ports }

-- For the logic we want to use, we need some state and ports.
data LogicState = LogicState { _field :: Bool }
data LogicPorts incoming outgoing =
  LogicPorts { _input :: incoming, _output :: outgoing }

makeLenses [ ''Block, ''LogicState, ''LogicPorts ]

-- We need to describe how to reach the needed state and ports,
-- and provide a piece of the logic.
data BlockLogic block incoming outgoing where
  BlockLogic :: { logicState :: Lens state LogicState
                , logicPorts :: Lens ports (LogicPorts incoming outgoing)
                , convert :: incoming -> State block outgoing
             -> BlockLogic (Block state ports) incoming outgoing

-- | The generic piece of logic.
runLogic :: forall block state ports incoming outgoing
          . block ~ Block state ports
         => BlockLogic block incoming outgoing
         -> State block outgoing
runLogic BlockLogic { .. } = do
  state <- access $ blockState
  let myField = state ^. logicState ^. field
  if myField
  then do
    ports <- access blockPorts
    let inputMessage = ports ^. logicPorts ^. input
    convert inputMessage
    error "Sorry"

-- My block uses the generic logic, and also maintains additional state and ports.
data MyState = MyState { _myLogicState :: LogicState, _myMoreState :: Bool }
data MyPorts = MyPorts { _myLogicPorts :: LogicPorts Int Bool, _myMorePorts :: Int }

makeLenses [ ''MyState, ''MyPorts ]

type MyBlock = Block MyState MyPorts

-- All this work to write:
testMyBlock :: State MyBlock Bool
testMyBlock = runLogic $ BlockLogic
                         { logicState = myLogicState
                         , logicPorts = myLogicPorts
                         , convert = \x -> return $ x > 0


    Could not deduce (block1 ~ Block state1 ports1)
    from the context (block ~ Block state ports)
      bound by the type signature for
                 runLogic :: block ~ Block state ports =>
                             BlockLogic block incoming outgoing -> State block outgoing
      at VTable.hs:(37,1)-(46,17)
    or from (block ~ Block state1 ports1)
      bound by a pattern with constructor
                 BlockLogic :: forall incoming outgoing state ports block.
                               Lens state LogicState
                               -> Lens ports (LogicPorts incoming outgoing)
                               -> (incoming -> State block outgoing)
                               -> BlockLogic (Block state ports) incoming outgoing,
               in an equation for `runLogic'
      at VTable.hs:37:10-26
      `block1' is a rigid type variable bound by
               a pattern with constructor
                 BlockLogic :: forall incoming outgoing state ports block.
                               Lens state LogicState
                               -> Lens ports (LogicPorts incoming outgoing)
                               -> (incoming -> State block outgoing)
                               -> BlockLogic (Block state ports) incoming outgoing,
               in an equation for `runLogic'
               at VTable.hs:37:10
    Expected type: block1
      Actual type: block
    Expected type: StateT
                     block1 Data.Functor.Identity.Identity outgoing
      Actual type: State block outgoing
    In the return type of a call of `convert'
    In a stmt of a 'do' block: convert inputMessage

当整个事情明确地在 ScopedTypeVariables 和“forall 块”下时,我不明白为什么 GHC 会选择“block1”。

编辑 #1:添加功能依赖项,感谢 Chris Kuklewicz 指出这一点。但问题仍然存在。

编辑#2:正如克里斯指出的那样,在 VTable 解决方案中,摆脱所有“块〜块状态端口”,而不是在任何地方写“块状态端口”可以解决问题。

编辑#3:好的,所以问题似乎是对于每个单独的函数,GHC 需要参数中有足够的类型信息来推断所有类型,即使对于根本不使用的类型也是如此。所以在(例如)上面的 logicState 的情况下,参数只给我们状态,这不足以知道端口和传入和传出类型是什么。没关系,这对 logicState 函数并不重要;GHC 想知道,不能,所以编译失败。如果这确实是核心原因,那么如果 GHC 在编译 logicState 声明时直接抱怨会更好——它似乎有足够的信息来检测那里的问题;如果我在该位置看到“未使用/确定端口类型”的问题,那会更清楚。

编辑#4:我仍然不清楚为什么 (block ~ Block state ports) 不起作用;我想我将它用于意外目的?似乎它应该起作用了。我同意 Chris 的观点,即使用 CPP 来解决它是可憎的。但是写“B trp e”(在我有更多参数的真实代码中)也不是一个好的解决方案。


1 回答 1


我对您的 VTable 代码进行了一行修复:

            , convert :: incoming -> State block outgoing


            , convert :: incoming -> State (Block state ports) outgoing


runLogic :: BlockLogic (Block state ports) incoming outgoing
         -> State (Block state ports) outgoing


消除“块〜”不是修复的一部分。通常只有在某些情况下才需要“~” instance a~b => ... where

以前如果我给一个函数 axxx :: BlockLogic (Block state ports) incoming outgoing那么它可以 unpack convert xxx :: State block outgoing。但是新block的与 完全没有关系(Block state ports),它是一个新的不可知类型。编译器在要生成的名称末尾附加一个数字block1,然后出现在错误消息中。


至于冗长,请尝试type. 不要使用 CPP 和 DEFINE。

type B s p = BlockLogic (Block s p)

runLogic :: B s p i o -> State (Block s p) o

PPS:对类版本问题的进一步解释。如果我将 (Block sp) 替换为 block 并添加您提到的功能依赖项:

class LogicBlock state ports incoming outgoing | state ports -> incoming outgoing where
  logicState :: Lens state LogicState
  logicPorts :: Lens ports (LogicPorts incoming outgoing)
  convert :: incoming -> State (Block state ports) outgoing

使用 logicState 确定state但留下ports未知数,使得ports#

使用 logicPorts 确定ports但留下state未知数,使ports#

编译runLogic会在端口、ports0、ports1 和 state、state0、state1 之间遇到很多类型不匹配错误。


于 2012-08-17T12:10:43.863 回答