我正在尝试在“Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition Service Pack 1”中设置hMailServer。我已经成功设置了 hMailServer、Apache、PHP 和 webmail 接口“AfterLogic webMail”。一切正常。但是我遇到了一个问题我尝试安装“ PHPWebAdmin ”。错误信息如下:
Fatal error: Class 'COM' not found in E:\Server\wwwroot\PHPWebAdmin\initialize.php on line 13
我已经配置了 PHP 配置文件php.ini选项如下:
register_globals = Off
display_errors = Off
doc_root = "E:/Server/wwwroot"
extension_dir = "E:/Server/php5_4_5/ext"
session.save_path = "E:/Server/php5_4_5/tmp"
com.allow_dcom = true
我还按照 hMailServer 手册的建议完成了这些事情:
DCOM permissions
By default, IIS6 is not allowed to connect to hMailServer because of the Distributed COM permissions that Windows uses. Also, Apache run as a user account with restricted permissions is not allowed to connect by default.
Follow these steps to give IIS or Apache the required permissions to connect to hMailServer using DCOM.
1.Start DCOM config by selecting Start, Run, enter dcomcnfg.exe and press OK.
2.In the Component Services program, expand the Component Services folder
3.Expand down to Computers | My Computer | DCOM Config
4.Right-click on hMailServer and select properties
5.Select the Security tab
6.Under "Launch and Activation Permissions", select Customize and click on Edit
7.Under "Group or user names", click Add
8.For IIS6: add the built-in anonymous IIS user account
9.For Apache: add the Apache user account
10.Set the Local Launch and Local Activation permissions for this user to Allow
实际上,我什至尝试在 DCOM 配置中授予 EveryOne 权限。
安装 PHPWebAdmin 是为了给用户一个地方来更改他们的电子邮件密码。
这里的环境:Windows Server 2008,Apache2.2,PHP5.4.5。