
I have written a Python script to send and fetch Chatterbot chat messages. I now want to create a Facebook app that only I can access that has permission to send chat messages to people, and I want my script to send the messages to Facebook to people, and then back. The end aim to to say hi to everyone, then see how they react. How would I do this?


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有关已知 Facebook 聊天机器人的列表,请参阅我的 Meta Guide 网页“最佳 Facebook 聊天机器人”[1]。Facebook 聊天 API 与 XMPP 兼容 [2]。Google App Engine 也兼容 XMPP [3];因此,您应该能够在 AppEngine 上使用 Python 来使用 Facebook Chat XMPP。

[1] http://www.meta-guide.com/home/ai-engine/best-facebook-chatbots

[2] http://developers.facebook.com/docs/chat/

[3] http://developers.google.com/appengine/articles/using_xmpp

于 2012-08-17T19:15:40.523 回答