I've installed xsendfile on my mac and it is located in the apache modules. I've attempted to enable it via my htaccess file but I continually get an error. When I try to get a list of modules on my apache server via either terminal or php, it's not listed. Relevant Code/ Server Info listed below:

Server: Apache/2.2.21 (Unix)

Compiled and installed Via: apxs -cia -Wc,"-arch i386 -arch x86_64" -Wl,"-arch i386 -arch x86_64" mod_xsendfile.c

In Httpd.conf: LoadModule xsendfile_module libexec/apache2/mod_xsendfile.so is enabled

htaccess: XSendFile on XSendFilePath /path/to/file/

Error Message: Invalid command 'XSendFile', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration

I appreciate any guidance.



1 回答 1


我意识到这个问题已经存在一年了,但是对于未来的人们来说,这样做的方法(至少在 Mac OS X Lion 上)是:

sudo apxs -cia mod_xsendfile.c
于 2013-08-27T10:00:43.880 回答