我有一个元组列表 int*string ,其中 int 是级别,字符串是名称

let src = [
        (0, "root");
            (1, "a");
                (2, "a1");
                (2, "a2");
            (1, "b");
                (2, "b1");
                    (3, "b11");
                (2, "b2");


let expectingTree = 
                Branch("b1", [Leaf("b11")]);

以下是我如何做到这一点的方式,但任何人都可以提出更好的方法来实现这一目标。我是 F# 新手,做同样事情的 C# 代码会更短一些,所以我想我错了。

type Node = 
    | Branch of (string * Node list)
    | Leaf of string

let src = [
            (0, "root");
                (1, "a");
                    (2, "a1");
                    (2, "a2");
                (1, "b");
                    (2, "b1");
                        (3, "b11");
                    (2, "b2");

let rec setParents (level:int) (parents:list<int>) (lst:list<int*int*string>) : list<int*int*string> =
    //skip n items and return the rest
    let rec skip n xs = 
        match (n, xs) with
        | n, _ when n <= 0 -> xs
        | _, [] -> []
        | n, _::xs -> skip (n-1) xs

    //get parent id for given level
    let parentId (level) = 
        let n = List.length parents - (level + 1)
        skip n parents |> List.head 

    //create new parent list and append new id to begin
    let newParents level id =
        let n = List.length parents - (level + 1)
        id :: skip n parents

    match lst with
    | (id, l, n) :: tail -> 
                        if l = level then (id, parentId(l), n) :: setParents l (newParents l id) tail
                        elif l <= level + 1 then setParents l parents lst
                        else [] //items should be in order, e.g. there shouldnt be item with level 5 after item with level 3
    | _ -> []

let rec getTree (root:int) (lst: list<int*int*string>) =

    let getChildren parent = 
        List.filter (fun (_, p, _) -> p = parent) lst

    let rec getTreeNode (id:int) (name:string) =
        let children = getChildren id
        match List.length children with
        | 0 -> Leaf(name)
        | _ -> Branch(name, 
                        |> List.map (fun (_id, _, _name) -> getTreeNode _id _name))

    match getChildren root with
    | (id, _, n) :: _ -> getTreeNode id n
    | _ -> Leaf("")

let rec printTree (ident:string) (tree:Node) = 
    match tree with
    | Leaf(name) -> 
        printfn "%s%s" ident name
    | Branch(name, children) -> 
        printfn "%s%s" ident name
        List.iter (fun (node) -> printTree ("   " + ident) node) children

let tree = 
    |> List.mapi (fun i (l, n) -> (i+1, l, n)) //set unique id to each item
    |> setParents 0 [0] //set parentId to each item
    |> getTree 0

printTree "" tree

Console.ReadKey() |> ignore

1 回答 1



type Tree = 
  | Branch of string * list<Tree>

将列表转换为树的核心功能可能更容易使用显式递归列表处理来实现。您可以一次性完成 - 只要找到嵌套索引(或在获得较小索引时从适当数量的递归调用返回),只需遍历元素并启动新分支。这是我的尝试:

/// Build a tree from elements of 'list' that have larger index than 'offset'. As soon
/// as it finds element below or equal to 'offset', it returns trees found so far
/// together with unprocessed elements.
let rec buildTree offset trees list = 
  match list with
  | [] -> trees, [] // No more elements, return trees collected so far
  | (x, _)::xs when x <= offset -> 
      trees, list // The node is below the offset, so we return unprocessed elements
  | (x, n)::xs ->
      /// Collect all subtrees from 'xs' that have index larger than 'x'
      /// (repeatedly call 'buildTree' to find all of them)
      let rec collectSubTrees xs trees = 
        match buildTree x [] xs with
        | [], rest -> trees, rest
        | newtrees, rest -> collectSubTrees rest (trees @ newtrees)
      let sub, rest = collectSubTrees xs []
      [Branch(n, sub)], rest


let res = buildTrees -1 [] src

假设 root 高于 -1,您可以忽略元组的第二部分(它应该是空列表)并获得第一棵树(应该只有一个):

/// A helper that nicely prints a tree
let rec print depth (Branch(n, sub)) =
  printfn "%s%s" depth n
  for s in sub do print (depth + "  ") s

res |> fst |> Seq.head |> print ""
于 2012-08-16T17:07:42.463 回答