None of the examples I have found have worked for me, I have cobbled together the below code and it seems to work. I have a hierarchy that is created by deserializing an XML file and I am able to loop through all the objects in the hierarchy, but you can adapt this to just loop through one ObservableCollection and get the objects as objects and not strongly typed.
I want to add a PropertyChangingEventHandler to every property in the hierarchy so that I can implement undo/redo functionality.
public static class TraversalHelper
public static void TraverseAndExecute(object node)
TraverseAndExecute(node, 0);
public static void TraverseAndExecute(object node, int level)
foreach (var property in node.GetType().GetProperties())
var propertyValue = node.GetType().GetProperty(property.Name).GetGetMethod().Invoke(node, null); // Get the value of the property
if (null != propertyValue)
Console.WriteLine("Level=" + level + " : " + property.Name + " :: " + propertyValue.GetType().Name); // For debugging
if (property.PropertyType.IsGenericType && property.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(ObservableCollection<>)) // Check if we are dealing with an observable collection
//var dummyvar = propertyValue.GetType().GetMethods(); // This was just used to see which methods I could find on the Collection
Int32 propertyValueCount = (Int32)propertyValue.GetType().GetMethod("get_Count").Invoke(propertyValue, null); // How many objects in the collection
for (int i = 0; i < propertyValueCount; i++) // Loop over all objects in the Collection
object properyValueObject = (object)propertyValue.GetType().GetMethod("get_Item").Invoke(propertyValue, new object[] { i }); // Get the specified object out of the Collection
TraverseAndExecute(properyValueObject, level); // Recursive call in case this object is a Collection too
The method is just called like this
If you just want to create a collection of objects you just need this bit of code
ObservableCollection<Field> typedField = migration.FileDescriptions[0].Inbound[0].Tables[0].Table[0].Fields[0].Field; // This is the strongly typed decalaration, a collection of Field objects
object myObject = typedField; // Declare as object
Int32 propertyValueCount = (Int32)myObject.GetType().GetMethod("get_Count").Invoke(myObject, null); // How many objects in this Collection
for (int i = 0; i < propertyValueCount; i++) // Loop over all objects in the Collection
object properyValueObject = (object)myObject.GetType().GetMethod("get_Item").Invoke(myObject, new object[] { i }); // Get the specified object out of the Collection, in this case a Field object
// Add the object to a collection of objects, or whatever you want to do with object