In VFP9 I need to move the database to a Netgear ReadyNas Duo V2 shared network drive. I don't know exactly which files to move or where and how to put the network path.

I've been trying for 2 days and keep getting error 2005 (...."table file users.dbf has moved"....) at start-up and now time is running out.


2 回答 2


尽管 DaveB 提供了所有扩展,但我认为您可能正在寻找更具体的数据和表格的东西。

在 VFP 中,如果你有一个数据库容器,你可以通过几种方式来实现...在一个文件夹/路径中拥有一个数据库,而在另一个路径中的实际表...我不会推荐任何东西,但这可能是你所遇到的。当您尝试打开这些表时,该数据库将具有预期可以找到这些表的路径。


.dbc -- database
.dcx -- compound index of database 
.dct -- memo field content for database

Additionally, the tables can have up to 3 files each with respective suffixes

.dbf -- single table
.cdx -- compound index for the single table
.fpt -- memo field content for the single table

因此,如果您将表格从一个位置移动到另一个位置,并且它们在预期位置没有相同的路径,那会让您有些头疼。如果您有 VFP,您可以将数据库作为表打开并浏览它以查看预期的位置。例如

CD Whatever\Your\DataPathIs
use NameOfYourDatabase.dbc   (yes, explicitly add the .dbc suffix)
browse for objectType = "Table"



于 2012-08-16T16:34:58.283 回答


Visual FoxPro 文件扩展名和文件类型

File Extensions and File Types used by Visual FoxPro

Extension   File type
.act        Documenting Wizard action diagram
.app        Generated application
.cdx        Compound index
.dbc        Database
.dbf        Table
.dct        Database memo
.dcx        Database index
.dll        Windows Dynamic Link Library
.err        Compilation error
.exe        Executable program
.fky        Macro
.fll        FoxPro Dynamic Link Library
.fmt        Format File
.fpt        Table memo
.frt        Report memo
.frx        Report
.fxp        Compiled program
.hlp        Graphical Help
.idx        Index, compact index
.krt        Used in the recreation of a .dbc file
            NOTE: The .KRT extension is not listed in the online Help.
.lbt        Label memo
.lbx        Label
.lst        Documenting Wizard list
.mem        Memory variable saveDoslives
.mnt        Menu memo
.mnx        Menu
.mpr        Generated menu program
.mpx        Compiled menu program
.ocx        OLE control
.pjt        Project memo
.pjx        Project
.prg        Program
.qpr        Generated query program
.qpx        Compiled query program
.sct        Form memo
.scx        Form
.spr        Generated Screen Program (previous versions of FoxPro only)
.spx        Compiled Screen Program (previous versions of FoxPro only)
.tbk        Memo backup
.txt        Text
.vct        Visual class library memo
.vcx        Visual class library
.vue        FoxPro 2.x view
.win        Window file
于 2012-08-16T13:16:29.887 回答