在linux中,当发生中断或异常时,如果CUrrent Privilege Level (CPL) 的权限低于Description Privilege Level (DPL)。一般保护将被提升!但是在这种情况下,一般保护故障的作用是什么?请帮我!
1 回答
The processor does not permit transfer of execution to an exception or interrupt-handler procedure in a less privileged code segment than the CPL. An attempt to violate this rule results in a general-protection exception (#GP). more on that(http://www.lpthe.jussieu.fr/~talon/pentium3.pdf)
Inside the kernel each exception is handled by a specific exception handler, which usually sends a Unix signal to the process that caused the exception.
In our case : the kernel will generate a signal SIGSEV
The exception handler in this case is general_protection( )
EDIT : in this link you can get a great explanation about how the kernel compare DPL
and RPL
Another good link: