亲爱的 Flex/Flash 开发人员,

考虑到您必须为未来(至少)3 年的 flex web 和 AIR 移动开发选择一个新的 IDE,您会选择什么作为最佳选择?

我在 flex/flash builder 上工作了大约 6 年,但我可以说我有时对使用非常昂贵的许可证获得的功能数量和性能不满意。

我开始评估 FDT,我觉得它很棒。不幸的是,我认为高级版本仍然很昂贵,而我正在考虑使用的免费版本缺少很多“核心”功能(例如 - 分析)。

最近我通过一些随机的事实回到 FlashDevelop,发现它看起来比旧版本好得多(至少从规范方面)。



更新: 不幸的是,我对 IntelliJ IDEA 没有太多经验。但是,如果您可以提供有关为什么/如何使用它的更多详细信息,那就太好了。


1 回答 1


It seems like you answered your own question already. FlashBuilder is too expensive for what it does, and FDT is too expensive compared to FlashDevelop.

I would rule out FlashBuilder right away, and then ask if FDT is worth the extra $.

If you're on a pc, I don't really see a reason to chose anything but Flashdevelop. FD is developed actively, it is free, and and last time I checked (though it wasn't recently) it does about the same that FDT. The shortcuts that FD has are very helpful, if you're going from FlashBuilder, and essential when going from FDT.

I've been programming AS in FlashDevelop for a long time now, and they've added a lot of good features since, like the debug and profiler. and I have not needed to switch to any other environment.

于 2012-08-15T22:02:48.433 回答