据我所知,您不能在域聚合函数中引用多个表或查询。正如 grazird 所说,这些表有什么关系?假设它在 tblMain ID 上,您可以构建一个名为 qryMainOffice 的查询,SQL(SQL 视图,查询设计窗口)看起来像:
SELECT [tblMain].[Revenue],[tblMain]![Quarter],[tblMain]![Region],
FROM tblMain
INNER JOIN tblOffice
ON tblMain.ID = tblOffice.MainID
然后 DSum 将是(删除换行符):
"[Quarter]=3 AND [Region]='NorthEast' AND [Location]='NewYork'"),"Not found")
您还可以在 VBA 中使用记录集或查询来返回值。
要在 VBA 中使用上述内容,您需要添加参数或使用字符串:
''Reference: Microsoft DAO 3.x Object Library
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim db As Database
Dim strSQL as String
Set db= CurrentDB
strSQL = "SELECT Sum(t.[Revenue]) As TotalNY" _
& "FROM tblMain t " _
& "INNER JOIN tblOffice o " _
& "ON t.ID = o.MainID " _
& "WHERE t.[Quarter]=3 AND t.[Region]='NorthEast' " _
& "AND o.[Location]='NewYork' " _
'' I have use aliases for simplicity, t-tblMain, o-tblOffice
'' If you wish to reference a control, use the value, like so:
'' & " AND [Location]='" & Me.txtCity & "'"
'' Dates should be formated to year, month, day
'' For joins, see http://www.devshed.com/c/a/MySQL/Understanding-SQL-Joins/
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset strSQL
If Not rs.EOF Then
Me.txtAnswer = rs!TotNY
Me.txtAnswer = "N/A"
End If
strSQL = "SELECT TOP 5 o.[Location]," _
& "Sum(t.[Revenue]) AS TotRevenue" _
& "FROM tblMain t " _
& "INNER JOIN tblOffice o " _
& "ON t.ID = o.MainID " _
& "WHERE t.[Quarter]=3 AND t.[Region]='NorthEast' " _
& "GROUP BY o.[Location]"