无论我尝试了什么,我都会收到 PLS-00103 错误消息:
Error starting at line 1 in command:
MyVar NUMBER(12,0);
HISTORY.sp_CHS_Insert('OMSC01', 522‚ 'OMSC01' ,522 , 4, 'S14_DCSKOLIZE', 'CHYBA', MyVar);
Error report:
ORA-06550: řádka 4, sloupec 38:
PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "," when expecting one of the following:
) , * & = - + < / > at v is mod remainder not rem =>
<exponent (**)> <> or != or ~= >= <= <> and or like like2
like4 likec between || multiset member submultiset
Symbol ", was inserted before"‚", so continuation would be possible.
06550. 00000 - "line %s, column %s:\n%s"
*Cause: Usually a PL/SQL compilation error.
我的程序的标题如下。该过程在包 HISTORY 中:
procedure sp_CHS_Insert(
ParH01Source in OMSH01.H01Source%type,
ParH01ExtID in OMSH01.H01ExtId%type,
ParH01UpdSource in OMSH01.H01UpdSource%type,
ParH01UpdExtId in OMSH01.H01UpdExtId%type,
ParXUR01UserID in XUR01.XUR01UserID%type := null,
ParS14Code in OMSS14.S14Code%type := null,
ParS12Code in OMSS12.S12Code%type := null,
ParH01ID out OMSH01.H01ID%type
调用 SQL 如下所示:
MyVar NUMBER(12,0);
HISTORY.sp_CHS_Insert('OMSC01', 555‚ 'OMSC01' ,555, 4, 'S14_DCSKOLIZE', 'CHYBA', MyVar);
我检查了参数类型,它们是正确的。我正在通过 SQL Developer 运行脚本。
我是一个 PLSQL 新手(一个被迫做 PLSQL 的 .NET 开发人员),我知道这可能是非常明显的事情,但我就是看不到它。