i have a strange problem with QList and the boost:shared_ptr. I'm afraid i am not able to strip the problem apart, that's why i will post the wholoe function later on.
What i want to do: I have a list (_fileList) which stores boost::shared ptrs to QFile Objects. The files are XML files. Than i want to parse this file and resolve all includes which means adding the files specified by the include tag also to the _fileList and scanning them for further include tags. The code works fine when resolving 3 includes (in my small test there is only one include per file). The third time the line boost::shared_ptr file(*iter); leads to a segmentation fault. I would be glad if anyone of you can help me or give me hints how i can find this bug.
void XmlParser::expandIncludes()
//search all files already in the file list for include tags, if any new are found append this file to the file list
QList<boost::shared_ptr<QFile> >::iterator iter = this->_fileList.begin();
while(iter!= this->_fileList.end())
boost::shared_ptr<QFile> file(*iter);
QDomDocument doc("activeFile");
if (!file->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)){
if (!doc.setContent(&(*file))) {
QDomElement docElem = doc.documentElement();
QDomNode n = docElem.firstChildElement("include");
while(!n.isNull()) {
QDomElement e = n.toElement(); // try to convert the node to an element.
if(!e.isNull()) {
QString nextFile = e.text();
QString nextFileAbsolutePath = this->_workingDir.absolutePath() +"/"+nextFile;
boost::shared_ptr<QFile> newFileObject(new QFile(nextFileAbsolutePath));
n = n.nextSiblingElement("include");